Mucuna, also known as velvet bean, can help curb your desire to smoke and drink

she pill

According to Natural News, mucuna, also known as velvet bean, is capturing the interest of thousands of smokers who have the desire and the will to quit cigarettes but can’t handle the first couple of weeks of rollercoaster-like mood swings and basic withdrawal symptoms. The L-DOPA content of the unprocessed mucuna bean powder is so powerful that doctors are also using it help Parkinson’s patients restore mental clarity, and as a mood elevator. A new study reveals that mucuna just might be that “missing rung” in the ladder that leads to great health for thousands more soon-to-be ex-smokers.

The mucuna extract contains a significant amount of naturally occurring L-DOPA, an amino acid which converts into dopamine. Most commonly sold in powder form, this “herbal” remedy can be found all over the internet, and the 60 percent concentration can be found in vegetarian capsules that are high quality.

This wondrous Ayurvedic Indian herb is known by many names, including sea bean, buffalo bean, DopaBean, pruriens, cowitch, skapikachhu and atmagupta. The main medicinal benefits come from the seeds, but the pod and the roots can also be used. The velvety beans are actually drift seeds, meaning they can float away on ocean currents and re-plant themselves all over the world.

To know more click:

Mucuna pruriens contains 40mg/g of a compound called L-DOPA, which is a direct precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine works as one of the best natural HGH releasers (human growth hormone) by stimulating the pituitary gland to increase its production. High levels throughout life of the body’s own natural growth hormone (not hormones from the synthetic injections) is known to be a major key for human longevity.

Dopamine also increases other youth hormones such as testosterone (it must be mentioned that these increases are never throwing the endocrine system out of balance, merely improving levels which tend to decrease over time in the average person). These resulting increased levels of these hormones from the use of Mucuna pruriens extracts, powders and/or raw herbs explains its association with increasing libido, fertility and lean muscle mass, reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and body fat, increasing bone density and even boosting overall energy levels.

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding how mucuna can help you overcome your smoking and drinking habits, one can easily log onto:

Don’t Eat Cancer


In the United States, cancer statistically now strikes half of all men, and a third of all women. Those tough odds are compounded by the odds of surviving that cancer. Why is this happening, and what factors can improve our chances?

The rise of diseases now typical of Western society has coincided oddly enough with the industrialization of the modern diet – food allergies, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, GERD, peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome… and ultimately cancer. How does our food supply contribute to this common thread of illness, debilitation and early death?

The answer is staring us in the face – chemicals!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which most Americans believe is in place to protect our food and guard our health, has instead allowed more than 70,000 chemicals to infiltrate our food supply. Many of these dangerous ingredients are outright toxins, and until we stop eating them, we are poisoning ourselves, undermining our health and allowing cancer to enter our bodies.

Author Sean David Cohen cuts through the myriad symptoms and the labyrinth of technical information in the medical and academic literature to give readers an easily digestible guide to the harmful additives lurking in our food – so you can stop eating them!

In simple language and colorful illustrations, Don’t Eat Cancer provides prudent advice that you can put to use immediately to identify toxic ingredients hiding in processed foods, beverages, gums, candy and even cosmetics and cigarettes that are weakening your body and inviting in cancer every time they are consumed.

Learn how to read labels, and then clean out your pantry and clean up your life so you can avoid adulterated additives and stop eating cancer – that is, stop putting harmful foods into your body that are only contributing to illness and early death.

Instead, you could teach yourself to steer clear of the most dangerous ingredients and start living a revitalized life with a rich, toxin-free diet! Protect yourself, improve your health and boost your energy, armed with straightforward information about “what cancer is, where it comes from, and how to impede its development.”

The importance of this information is all about the health and wellness of the end user, so it is designed as the ultimate layman’s guide – with very user-friendly language that clues you in on the most important FDA-approved poisons you and your family have likely never even heard of.

Stop guessing how to “eat healthy” and start avoiding the chemicals that are known to disrupt normal cell behavior and ultimately bring down your immune system. Whether you know it or not, eating “just a little bit” of these ingredients every day is accumulating a toxic result.

Don’t Eat Cancer will teach you how not to be a victim in the kitchen, the grocery store, restaurants and more.

According to author Sean David Cohen, it is time to change the way that we look at cancer, as well as how to cure it: “View it as a disciplined, active prevention plan, and the cure will follow. Even if you already have cancer, if you stop pouring in the poisons, your own good cells will have a much better chance of fighting and surviving the bad ones. It’s common sense.”

“There are enough chemicals in common products to easily end your life in the next 10 to 20 years,” Cohen writes. So there is no time to waste in getting up to speed in how to protect your body from the daily chemical invasion, and stopping eating cancer already.

Sean David Cohen’s book Don’t Eat Cancer is also now available in Chinese!

Read more:

“One thing is for sure, once you read this book, you will change your grocery buying habits, and clean out your pantry. This book is proof that people are eating and drinking all kinds of stuff that causes cancer and they don’t even realize it. I really do recommend this exceptional research and it’s really easy to read.” – Anne K.

“I’ve read at least ten books about cancer and disease, and this is by far the most informative and direct.” – A. Evans

Learn more:

Success Rates for twelve “Quit Smoking” methods compared – from worst to BEST!

big boy smokes

Some smokers need no help quitting, but you’ll be surprised just how few succeed that way. Sure, you’ve heard the stories, but did they really just QUIT, or did something traumatic happen to them they’re not talking about, or maybe they changed friends, jobs, eating habits, quit traveling, ended something stressful, or received some kind of help and just don’t remember or aren’t admitting it? Maybe we’ll never know, but it doesn’t matter. Do you want to quit smoking right now? We know you do. So why waste any time at all buying gimmicks, scams, or “raving” cessation methods that fail most people? Hey, if it’s advertised on TV, it’s probably a scam and worthless. Keep reading.

Today, we at StopSmoking.News have compiled some statistics we thought you might be interested in reviewing, and then making an informed decision about how to stop smoking FOR GOOD, not just for a week, a month, or six months. Let’s not waste another second:

Cessation Method Rates from Worst to Best:

Coming in last at #12:


Nicotine Gum


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: less than 1%


The gum is pretty much as scam. If it does work, it works as a placebo and the smoker mentally believes that this tiny ritual is helping somehow. Good luck with all of that.



#11: CDC Scary Commercials


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: less than 4%


The CDC scary commercials and advertisements campaign about the dangers of smoking cigarettes only yields a 6% success rate at getting people to quit smoking, plus, half of them go back to smoking after quitting for just 6 months. That leaves three percent success. That’s absolutely dismal! Then on the CDC website, of course, they’re going to lead you to an MD who will prescribe medications; however, Chantix and Zyban “cessation” medications have side effects that include depression, thoughts of suicide and suicide. As if smoking 7,000 chemicals per day per cigarette wasn’t bad enough. Only a rare few can brag about chemical medications working for them. That’s scary. Combining bad food with bad medicine and putting chemicals on your skin all add up to a toxic body that’s SCARED TO HEAL.



#10: Nicotine Patch


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: about 4-5%


What if 91 of 100 quitters relying exclusively upon the over-the-counter (OTC) nicotine patch to help them quit were failing and relapsing within 24 weeks of slapping on that first patch?  What if 98 or 99 out of 100 of those relying exclusively upon the OTC nicotine patch for a second or subsequent quitting attempt were smoking again within 24 weeks?  What if, in truth, your chances of quitting on your own were greater than if quitting with the patch?  What if the few who are quitting while wearing the patch are doing so in spite of it, instead of because of it?”


Check out more of what “Why Quit” and Jon Polito has to say about the miserable success rates and the overall scam of the nicotine patch.



#9: Cold Turkey


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 5%


You hear the stories – and congratulations. The only problem is that cold-turkey cessation method fails 95% of those who try it. Why? Most people need some kind of advice about nutrition and behavior modification to escape the first fourteen days or so. Then, if they escape those, once stress creeps in or hits like a tidal wave, within six months, the person retreats back to cancer sticks, it’s just a sad statistic. Smokers need a guide to quit, a coach, who’s been there and knows how to communicate. The “Stop Smoking King” in online blogging constantly about this. Google him.


#8: Medications: Chantix or Zyban

Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 7%


“Understanding why suicide is a side effect of smoking cessation pills is of ultimate importance to smokers considering taking the drug. Several lawsuits have been filed because the manufacturers of these pills do not provide ample warning. Smoking cessation pills simply make anxiety and depression worse. Chantix blocks nicotine receptor sites in the brain in order to reduce nicotine cravings, but in that process, naturally occurring dopamine and serotonin are blocked, creating dangerous and nearly intolerable side effects.” – SD Wells; Natural Health News Reporter


#7: Acupuncture


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 8%


“Using a combination of therapies like hypnosis, acupuncture and pharmaceutical approaches to address the mental, emotional and physiological aspect of the addiction oftentimes yields the best results. Ultimately, tobacco addiction is a personal one, as is the journey to kicking the habit. It does not matter what road is taken, but that you reach your final destination of being tobacco-free!!” – Jamie Starkey; lead acupuncturist at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine



#6: Hypnotherapy


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 10%


“Another popular treatment for people who wish to stop smoking is hypnosis. Hypnosis is meant to work by strengthening your will power. It does this by repeating over and over again that you don’t want to and don’t need to smoke. This is all done while the patient is in a relaxed hypnotic state making the subconscious more open to outside suggestion.”



#5: Traumatic Event (cancer death in the family or their own cancer tumor detected)


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 20%



#4: Planning to have a Child


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 50%


Picture a pregnant woman taking a long drag from a cigarette and you may picture a premature baby with a low birth weight, fighting for its first breath – but what most of us don’t picture is an aggressive child. However, new evidence points to smoking during pregnancy as a cause for aggression in children, says a study from the University of Montreal published in the journal Development and Psychopathology.



#3: Surgery – upcoming medical work requires quitting smoking (physician advice)


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 65%


“Quitting smoking one or two months before planned surgery can significantly lower the risk of complications like poor wound healing. Counseling combined with nicotine replacement therapy can help you quit smoking. “

“There are thought to be several reasons why smoking could affect recovery from surgery. When you smoke, your blood absorbs carbon monoxide and nicotine, and your blood oxygen levels fall. Oxygen is essential to help wounds heal. Also, nicotine makes the heart work harder, partly because it increases blood pressure and heart rate. Since anesthetics and surgery already affect the circulatory and make it harder for oxygen to be supplied, the risks can be much higher for people who smoke. Quitting smoking even right before surgery can increase the amount of oxygen in the body. After 24 hours without smoking, nicotine and carbon monoxide are already gradually being broken down in the blood. Lung function starts improving after about two smoke-free months.”

#2: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) (vaping) – Although e-cigs were not even invented to be a cessation method …


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 30% or greater


“The primary finding of an online survey was that the six-month point prevalence of smoking abstinence among the e-cigarette users in the survey sample was 31.0% (95% CI=24.8%, 37.2%). A large percentage of respondents reported a reduction in the number of cigarettes they smoked (66.8%) and almost half reported abstinence from smoking for a period of time (48.8%). Those respondents using e-cigarettes more than 20 times per day had a quit rate of 70.0%. Of respondents who were not smoking at six months, 34.3% were not using e-cigarettes or any nicotine-containing products at the time.”

#1: The Natural Method recommended by leading Nutritionists, Naturopaths and Doctors: “14AndOut–Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days

 beach girls

Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: Over 90%


To date, no other cessation method comes close to the success of combining chemical knowledge, behavior modification and nutrition guidance, all in one 60-minute video course. Testimonials pour in from new non-smokers who follow the step-by-step “yellow brick road” to health freedom and a smoke-free life. The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, recommends this natural method over all other cessation methods available, and hosts the trailer/preview to the course HERE. Check it out. The Natural Method 14AndOut gives you the greatest odds possible for succeeding. Now there’s something to be said for that!

Special Thanks to David Wolfe, world leading nutritionist and best-selling author who helps 14AndOut succeed:

Which “Quit Method” Will You Try?


One hour instructional video preview of Natural Method:


14AndOut (Natural Method) Testimonials:

  • “The best description of your program is: The BEST one out there that actually works.” – Azin 6/16/2014
  • “Awesome program, I used tobacco for 10 years and was able to quit with your help. I greatly appreciate your service and recommend it to everyone. I hope for more people to use your program and turn this world around! Sincerely, Todd”
  • “I bought it for educational purposes for a school district. The only message anyone ever hears is the patch and chantix. So, I felt it was my duty to inform of other methods without side effects. One thing to say … glad you put together the materials, well done.” – Julie
  • “Hi, I’m doing great ! Thank you. Yes I have quit smoking and feel pretty darn good about it !! I did watch the whole video, but did not do the hands on activities. I had already started a nutritional program including juicing and trying to go 100% organic. The best thing about 14AndOut was the knowledge it provided me with. That in turn completely changed my mind on how I felt about smoking and gave me the power to quit. Thanks a million!” Cathy
  • We have purchased and watched your 14andout video, and purchased the mucuna supplement. Love your video, SO informative! Just want to be done with the whole cigarette thing. (Your video grossed me out – I can’t believe we put that nasty stuff in our bodies) – Thank you for your time in advance.” – Scott & Jennifer
  • “Thanks for making such a great course. It was presented in such a way that is really easy for me to digest and the information definitely resonated with me. It is the missing link in my knowledge about smoking and how to quit and explains why I have failed in the past.” – Brendan
  • “This instructional video is fantastic. I tried e-cigs and the patch and kept going back to smoking. Give this a shot! I smoked a pack a day for 15 years and quit after watching this.” – anonymous


Additional sources for this article include:

Slaying “Goliath” – – the Cigarette Habit: The ultimate natural and legal herb that kills cravings for cigarettes and ends permanently that giant “nicotine fix”

final slay cigs

The true story of David and Goliath is that David was an expert at hurling stones and thus fooled Goliath into a face to face combat situation, and Goliath the Giant had a tumor that caused his enormous growth plus bad vision, so he never saw it coming. David crushed Goliath’s skull and brain with a solid stone the size of a baseball, hurled in a sack from a long stick, like taking out one infantryman from thirty five yards or less. Nicotine addiction is a “Giant” of a problem because it’s so strong (like Goliath strong), but few people realize that the true chemical addiction is broken in three to four days, and that’s pretty speedy for breaking the third strongest chemical addiction on the planet. If you stop smoking cancer, and eating cancer (GMO and processed, pesticide-laden food), and you quit drinking tap water (that contains sodium fluoride), and you replace the nicotine cravings with a natural legume (supplement) that raises dopamine levels in the body naturally, well, at that point the “giant problem” is dying and will be dead within 4 days. It’s time to learn HOW to hurl that stone accurately. There are no side effects from the natural method of killing the giant, but it does require deep breathing and meditating on next two paragraphs of information. Get ready to be armed with the weapon that “kills” your habit.

women w guns (2)

Now take a deep breath and think of Goliath as your cigarette habit. Imagine this huge beast that wants to kill you, and slowly at that. The Giant has it’s whole life ahead of it, taking pieces of your life away as it lives on, and on, and on. But the Giant’s “life” is ten to twenty years shorter than the average human life, so you living with the Giant taking pieces of you nearly ensures you’re cutting off a decade or two of your life span on Earth.

So what’s the ultimate “stone” to hurl at the head of “Goliath” – – that monolithic cigarette habit?

chinese herbs

You kill the habit with certain superfoods, and just like Cryptonite kills Superman, or the way David hurled a baseball-sized stone at Goliaths head – thus killing him instantly. Is the end of the cigarette fix one fast stone throw away? The precision “stealth” cure for smoking and the habit that leads an epidemic of deaths every year around the world is about to be revealed. You are witnessing the proteins, enzymes, and nutrients that wipe out the cravings of nicotine, which are, at the root, really just cravings from the chemical hangover of the previous cigarette that was smoked, including the 4,000 forms of pesticide found in tar sacs and glass wool in your lungs’ tissues. As Malcom Gladwell wrote in “The Tipping Point,” … “How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.”

Mucuna, also known as Velvet Bean, is capturing the interest of thousands of smokers who have the desire and the will to quit cigarettes, but can’t handle the FIRST THREE TO FOUR DAYS, the “Goliath days” they so desperately want to defeat. Mood swings and withdrawal symptoms seem insurmountable and intolerable. They’re used to getting that burst of 100 milligrams of nicotine every half-hour to forty-five minutes delivered in three seconds to their heart and brain. Enter mucuna, a natural mood elevator and the “weapon of choice” for wiping out cravings instantly. In other words, mucuna’s bean extract contains a significant amount of NATURALLY OCCURING L-dopa, an amino acid that converts into dopamine. Sold in powder form legally in U.S. and around the world as a harmless, fruitful supplement, this “herbal remedy” is really just a legume, but a fast acting and ACURATE one! You are David fighting Goliath, and you have the stone that kills him within your reach.

Real-Life Miracles of Mucuna

This wondrous Ayervetic Indian herb is known by many names, including sea beans, buffalo beans, Dopabean, Pruriens, Cowitch, Kapikachu and Atmagupta. The main medicinal benefits come from the seeds, but the pod and the roots can also be used. The velvety beans are actually drift seeds, meaning they can float away on ocean currents and re-plant themselves all over the world. It’s time you escape from the giant habit of smoking and “kill the beast” once and for all, before he kills you.

Research shows L-Dopa provides a wide variety of health benefits: • Regenerates organs (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs) • Dramatically strengthens immune system • Improves sleep • Reduces body fat and cellulite • Improves skin appearance • Increases mood and sense of well being • Increases bone density (very necessary after toxin overload from cigarettes)

Ready yet to slay that smoking dragon? Check out a natural method that incorporates chemical knowledge about cigarettes’ ingredients, simple behavior modification secrets, and the ultimate cure for the nicotine fix – – Superfoods like mucuna, maca, goji berries, acai and more. The Natural Method14AndOut … Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days” is recommended by the Health Ranger Mike Adams in the trailer to the streaming video guide HERE. Use your “knowledge” and “speed” to kill the giant, it’s your HIDDEN strength.


Prevent Corporate Cancer: The cure for “Corporate Cancer” discovered by a Natural News Investigative Journalist

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S.D. Wells from Don’t Eat

Where are you now? In the corporate food aisles, looking for lunch or dinner? Quick – get out! The corporate aisles are all those ones in the middle of the grocery super store, where everything is boxed, canned or jarred with toxic preservatives, toxic additives, genetically mutated corn and genetically modified soy. Avoid GMO at all costs. Get to the outskirts of the store and find fresh organic fruits and organic vegetables. Are you reading Natural Health News on your smart phone? Use “Fooducate” – the free phone app that tells you if something’s GMO. Or you can look for the Non-GMO Project Verified seal on the package. There are a few MAJOR WAYS to avoid cancer. Let’s begin by getting out of the corporate aisles. Are you visiting the corporate aisles at grocery stores? Quick Get Out! Who owns who? Make sure YOU own you. Who’s making your food? Who’s controlling your health? You could control your own health, did you know? Make sure organic is really organic, too. Here’s how. You can see all the companies who sold out to Big Food:

and now, without further adieu:

How to cure yourself of corporate cancer

Top 7 steps, skills and key strategies …

STEP 1: Throw out all your food that has conventional soy, corn, canola or cottonseed oil in it. Stop eating hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils. Also, throw out all food that has HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and never buy those again. You can use organic coconut oil and organic extra virgin olive oil now, but don’t cook the olive oil because it’s bad for you once it reaches high heat.

STEP 2: Toss out all your white, bleached foods like bread, flour, rice (except basmati), pasta, tortilla wraps, white coffee filters, white sugar, and iodized white salt. Do it today. Never consume bleach. The pancreas suffers the most and you can’t live without your pancreas.

STEP 3: Toss out the meat and milk and cheese that doesn’t say they don’t use hormones! Stop buying that junk! No more rBGH or rBST for you. This helps prevent cancer and weight control issues! Yes it does. If your hormones get out of whack because you’re consuming artificial growth hormones regularly, well then, you are asking for problems. Throw it out and try not to eat meat at restaurants too often. Get a big salad and a healthy appetizer and call it quits. You’ll still have a great time. In fact, better.

STEP 4: Read what it says on the flu shot/vaccine insert. I know, you don’t have to go get one. The Health Ranger Mike Adams has done the homework for us and revealed that they still use mercury, and about 25,000 times what the EPA is worried about in your fish! Can you imagine? This is true. Look:

flu insert

Now you can question all vaccines and check the insert first. Then you will be educated and making informed choices about what goes into your body, blood, brain and organs. We are on the same side, my friends, the side of health and happiness.

STEP 5: Quit putting toxic personal care products on your skin and hair. If you can’t eat the ingredients of your products, they’re probably toxic. There are virtually NO REGULATIONS on the cosmetic, shampoo, soap, sun block, suntan or skin-lotion industries. Petroleum is very bad for your skin! Is petrolatum or petroleum listed on your product? Toss it. What about parabens? Sodium lauryl sulfate? Toss it. Aluminum? Is there aluminum in your antiperspirant or deodorant? Get rid of it. Don’t even finish using it. It’s not a waste of money to stop destroying your health, skin and cells.

STEP 6: Do not vote for politicians who support GMO and who don’t want GMO labeled. This sounds difficult to track but it’s not. Have you listened to Ron Paul, who is a doctor, speak about health and personal liberty? Dr. Ron Paul makes efforts to restore free speech to Health! Just look back at 2009:

“Rep. Paul’s three bills aim to end the illegitimate censorship of free speech and restore constitutional freedom of speech in natural health.”

STEP 7: Read the book “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth”

druker book

30 years of GMO deception in new sure-to-be best-celling book!

And what of the role of the media? How have the American public been so largely kept in the dark about the realities of GE foods — to the extent that until quite recently, a vast majority of the populace did not even know they were regularly consuming them? Druker describes, in Chapter 8, how the mainstream media have been highly selective in what they report — and have consistenly failed to convey information that would cause concern about these engineered products. Moreover, Druker demonstrates that the policies imposed by the media magnates have been, in his words, ‘not merely selective, but suppressive.’ [single quotes were double quotes in original] And he relates several dramatic incidents in which journalists who tried to bring unsettling facts to light had their stories altered or totally quashed by higher level executives. So it is not surprising that the American public, and a good many key decision-makers, believe that there are no legitimate concerns regarding GE foods.”   – Jane Goodall (yes, she’s the famous primatologist)

Steven Drucker’s Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is the most chilling thing I’ve ever read. It’s about the huge conspiracy by the big companies who do genetic modification to keep the public from knowing the truth, to subvert the course of justice. I didn’t realize that when you put genes into a plant, you have to shoot them in, and the plant fights every bit it can to keep those alien genes out. So they have to shoot them in like miniature cannons.” — Goodall


30 Years of GMO Deception

Avoid cancer with common sense and a smart phone. Start with a the free phone app if you have a smart device. You can now scan the barcodes of all the food you buy and distinguish if it’s GMO!

Fooducate FREE phone app:



Don’t fall for all the corporate propaganda that sells toxic food and toxic medicine. Check out the following infographics and coverage of the lying shills from Biotech industry: This helps us with understanding corporate propaganda so we don’t ever fall for it:


Find out about a natural way to end nicotine addiction:

Quit Smoking in 14 days with 14andOut


Exposed! Hired Shills and Front Men who spread GMO propaganda:  Final Thoughts:

aspartame kills

Remember, much research has been done over the past three years that has helped health enthusiasts accumulate a wealth of knowledge and delivered it in language without mincing words. This is the great awakening. People are just starting to realize they’ve lost control of their health and their money, and now the path is revealed. For the past 75 years, America has been living in fear and ignorance, thanks to corrupt corporations, lobbyists and politicians who control the mainstream food and medicine industries. Farming, over the past 30 years, has become a money-making scheme that involves inserting the genes of foreign organisms into crop to kill bugs and weeds, but it’s killing humans all the while. It’s called GMO. Face it, YOU know someone with cancer right now. It may be you. You also know someone who died from cancer. That is because cancer attacks one in three Americans and kills half of them. And the half that survive? What do they do differently, once they find out they have it? Do they switch to organic food or keep eating GMO, drinking fluoridated tap water, getting flu shots and vaccines, and taking pharmaceutical toxic medications that are synthetic and breed horrible side-effects?

What are the symptoms of corporate cancer? Will your doctor ask you that? Welcome to the great awakening, where we realize how many MDs and Oncologists have no idea that fluoride causes cancer, and chemotherapy causes cancer. and radiation causes cancer, and GMO causes cancer, and microwave ovens cause cancer, and antibiotics weaken your immunity, and hospitals carry superbugs that are immune to antibiotics, and surgery for cancer removal rarely works because cancer is in the blood and is fueled when you eat chemical laden foods, like GMO.

You are not a bug, a worm, a weed, or a lab rat. You are an intelligent, driven human who needs pure food and pure water the way Mother Nature provides it. You can prevent corporate cancer by monitoring every dollar you spend. Will you support evil corporations that put toxins in the food and medicine, or will you support organic, sustainable farms and take control of your own health? The latter would be quite wise!

dont eat cancer banner 2

Track Natural Health News Daily and be your own Investigate Reporter. It’s time.

Natural News Tracker:

Fast Facts at Health Ranger Update:

mercury flu shot

Quit Smoking without Medication – – Without Gimmicks — And Learn How in 60 Minute “All Natural” Video Lesson

she smokes you don't

Quit Smoking Naturally by video in 60 minutes. Learn from an ex-smoker and a researcher who figured out exactly HOW cigarettes affect your body, exactly how to MODIFY your behaviors, and exactly what NUTRITION you are lacking and need to recover, quit, and never return to smoking again! This is it. This is the program as a 60 minute course you’ve been waiting for. I know you have the will, NOW you have the WAY!

Click here for free preview/trailer:

Here’s what you learn in 60 minutes:

Why 14AndOut has proven results and a high success ratio for getting smokers to stop smoking forever. Why 95% of smokers who quit without help go back within 6 months. The risks of taking pharmaceuticals like Chantix and Zyban. Find out how and why the nicotine potency you’re getting is 35 times stronger than you think. Whether you smoke a pack a day or two packs a day, you can still quit within two weeks. Even if you’ve been smoking for twenty years, these strategies apply to you. Say goodbye to nervousness, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and a host of others symptoms of smokers who stop smoking. This course is 100% natural and organic. The knowledge you gain from the 14AndOut video is yours forever; nobody can steal it and you can’t lend it out and forget to get it back. As a non-smoker, you won’t be a burden for those around you, including the ones you love most. You will save thousands of dollars and have new energy for the extra-curricular activities you enjoy. This can be YOU, starting today. This system works. It’s all natural. No medication. No gimmicks. A one-time-fee and no monthly charges, ever. Imagine how GREAT your life could be WITHOUT cigarettes!

Click here for free preview/trailer:

  • “I quit 4 days after starting 14andout! Once you explained to me about my breathing habit and about ammonia and pesticide in the tobacco, I followed everything else you said to do, including the supplements and I don’t even have cravings anymore!!! Thank you, Mike G.”
  • “I kept saying to myself that its never a good time to quit, because I’m always stressed and I didn’t want to be more stressed, but 14andout gave me insight into my problem and advice on nutrition AND how to stay positive the whole time. I watched the video and did the hands on activities. that’s what got me to quit! I highly recommend this program, even if you’re stressed out. Any smokers out there, if you’re saying ‘It’s not a good time to quit, well, hey, it’s NEVER a good time to die! Check out 14andout, this guy will show you why you haven’t quit yet, and you’ll finally know how to!” Allen C., Athens, GA
  • “14AndOut is a breakthrough course that frees smokers from the core habits that trap them in a pattern of smoking. Far more than just a chemical cure, it’s a behavioral approach that delivers lasting results for people who want to stop smoking for life!” – Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of
  • I smoked a pack a day for twenty years, now I�ve quit for good. My business is doing better and so am I, thanks to 14andout. – P. Gordon
  • The 14 AndOut course offers insight into the vicious cycle smokers find themselves trapped in, and offers a lot of strategies for replacing those bad habits with good behaviors, right from the start.

Stick to your guns and QUIT smoking – it was your new year’s resolution … remember

aloe vera

No time to waste here. Buy at least three of the top seven superfoods. Buy spring water. Buy organic chocolate. The “New Year” has begun, according to that popular calendar, and anybody who promised themselves to quit smoking really, really wants to quit, like you. So you step up to the plate and you’re ready to hit a home run. Willpower is your aluminum bat. A specific natural remedy is your perfect pitch. Your simple, methodical actions now will dictate if that ball goes “over the fence” when you swing your bat. Today is the first day of the rest of your life… as a non-smoker.

Enter nutrition. Exit cigarettes. People think that it’s too complicated to eat healthy, but the reward is phenomenal. You see these people at the gym, going to yoga camps or running down your neighborhood block, religiously, staying in shape. They have flat stomachs and they seem very methodical about their business and pleasure. They have rituals. It’s not thanks to good genes. It’s thanks to creating an environment without toxins, in their bodies and all around them. They have their work-out clothes and their iPods. They have their smoothie shakes and their protein powders. They’re not smokers.

So what can you do about it? What simple method is out there to filter hundreds of toxins from your daily intake? Where do you start, because it’s NOT too much to think about — being healthy and loving it.

Raw organic fruits, vegetables and natural supplements

Step one begins now. Stop eating garbage food. Don’t finish what you have in your refrigerator and don’t consume what’s in your pantry. Consider it all a waste of money and move on. Positive thinking defies gravity, but regret weighs a ton. Step two: Go to a health food store, Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, or better yet your local farmers’ market and buy enough organic fruits and vegetables to last you three days. This includes salads, snacks, smoothies, meals and, of course, desserts. Also, buy some spring water, enough for three days and nights. This is key. Time to flush your toxins down the toilet, literally.

Step three: Go to the vitamin shop or, if you’re at Whole Foods, you will most likely find maca powder, vitamin D and organic mineral complex. Look for the words “certified organic” on the vitamins and minerals. Start finding pictures and recipes for your organic fruits and vegetables immediately. This is not complicated. This is simple. This is more important than anything else you do right now. You are QUITTING smoking. If anyone has anything negative to say, or makes a mockery of your actions, they are your enemies and should be ignored to the fullest extent. Your quality of life and longevity depend on it. If people have positive things to say about your actions — what you eat and drink and the natural supplements you consume regularly, then soak up their compliments about the NEW YOU, and keep moving forward at the speed of light. Your life will change drastically as the 7,000 chemicals leave you body and never re-enter. Your work, love life, personal goals and aspirations all come to life like never before.


A one-hour course on video with the “Stop Smoking King” – Learn the natural method!

If you have the willpower, which you obviously do because you made the New Year resolution to quit cigarettes, you now have the way. Once you supplement your body with essential nutrients, you will NOT crave cigarettes. Get rid of all that anxiety and stress and pour love into your dreams. Get a flat stomach and clean lungs. Now you won’t have to cough hard when you laugh hard. Get it?

Move forward with your promise to yourself. There is no time like RIGHT NOW… Click below to watch the free preview of the natural method 14AndOut.

Learn more:

Get ready for the US Military Ebola “Strike Team” to Visit Homes all across America!

3 stooges

Will you be drawn and “quartered,” like a Jewish person in the Holocaust? Are you a “trader of the state” if you have a fever and don’t report it to Obama’s henchmen? What will they do with all the flu victims this winter? What if you flew to Africa, or Dallas, Texas recently? You know there’s a 42 day watch period necessary to see if you really have Ebola after being exposed to someone with it? Yes, so if the CDC was honest and cruel, they would quarantine everyone with a fever this winter for 42 days, away from their families and work, in a safe place, like some old prison that isn’t being used anymore, or maybe at a mental hospital where there are rooms to strap you down and vaccinate you with some strain of Ebola, that might not even be the right one. But still, the CDC is preparing and taking steps to protect the people of America, as they hose the Ebola off the streets and leave people’s sheets in their homes for days that are contaminated with Ebola virus.

Yes, here’s the report as covered by Natural News:

“CNN said Pentagon officials have confirmed the formation of the team, which will be able to quickly deploy any time over the next month.” Learn more:

CNN reported further that the Defense Department “has been working to determine what assistance it could offer the civilian health care sector” THE CIVILIAN HEALTH CARE SECTOR

1984 came true

Prepare to deploy!! It’s like the three stooges are coming to your Ebola rescue. A military task force that knows NOTHING about infectious disease and never went to medical college or studied natural remedies is going to suit up with some Biohazard Gear and ready their weapons for helping medical professionals do their “job” with you – which is WHAT? What exactly is the task force’s job? To transport some screaming, fighting Ebola suspects who just have flu or diarrhea and are freaking out?

bad doc (2)

Does the task force protect us from ourselves, or from the Sheriff trying to protect the innocent, healthy people and their rights?

The “civilian health care sector” is nothing but a bunch of dumb, sick zombies going to work, buying into Obamacare, and waiting for the HHS/DHS/FEMA and the Red Cross to show up and save them. That’s the very system that made them sick and dumb in the first place, along with the FDA and all the toxic food and medicine out there!

Who’s tracking all this madness?

The Natural News Tracker!


Follow along with 1,000’s of others and get current coverage of Natural Health News on the front lines:

Its time to keep your New Year’s Resolution – What was yours? What should it have been?

Natural News delivers a wonderful message full of positivity and directness. They are asking us if we made a New Year’s resolution, what it was, if we kept it, and IF NOT, how we can! Alternative News brings us remedies for “troublesome” situations and natural cures for what the Western World often find themselves “trapped” in. From bad habits to not enough good ones, we can change the way we think, live, breathe and eat in a single day, like New Year’s Day. Did you change for the better? Did you quit smoking? Are you going to quit eating GMO?

The Health Ranger is about to announce some evolutionary breakthroughs in Food Science that will affect just about every decision you make, especially if you are a health enthusiast like the 7 million people that tap into monthly.

Wait, did I strike a chord with you? Would you like to go 100% non-GMO for 2014? How great would that be? How much would YOUR BODY reward YOU for doing it?

Learn more:

Do you know exactly what GMO means, besides just standing for Genetically Modified Organisms, I mean, do you REALLY KNOW what it means to modify seeds with bug killer or weed killer so no pests in the fields of America will eat the crops, not the bugs, the worms, the beetles, or the weeds, oh, except the humans, they will end up eating eat – all those humans who don’t know what GMO REALLY MEANS.

“Molecular engineers working in laboratories for Monsanto, the giant American biotech company, are gene-splicing vegetable seedlings with poisonous pesticides and herbicides so the plants are inherently protected from the insects and worms that might damage them.”

Hey, whatever your New Year’s Resolution was, I bet it was a good one. You should keep it, and maybe add on one or two, like quitting cigarettes for good or joining a gym and starting your own organic garden. Good luck and Happy New Year!