“Terrorist” creates panic, U.S. Government punishes innocents

There is a new mentality sweeping over America; when a “person of interest” shoots up a school, or blows up a building, or detonates a bomb at a public event, everyone in that city must be “grounded,” or punished, by being interrogated, searched, questioned, put on home arrest, homes searched without warrants, and harassed at gunpoint, all in the name of “safety” and “homeland security.” All the networks support this scripted follow up to “terror” events, and they promote the loss of liberty, as Obama and Bush before him would have it be.

Remember, back in grade school, when one wild child or irresponsible student wasn’t paying attention to the teacher, or forgot their homework, that a lousy teacher would punish the whole class, and make new rules for everyone, rules that weren’t necessary, except maybe for the one “bad” kid. Half the time, that “bad” kid wasn’t even really bad, he/she was just daydreaming out the window, or had a bad home life, where the parents didn’t help them with homework or study skills, and the whole class would have to suffer for it. These were the teachers who liked control, who liked telling everybody what to do, even when they were all doing it right already. These were the “power tripping” teachers, who just loved wielding authority for the hell of it, and did it all day. They always had a teacher’s pet too, who did everything they said and made straight A’s, seemingly without even trying very hard.

Today, in America, those power trip authority figures are the FEDS, and those “bad” students are “persons of interest” who, whether it’s true or not, have committed a crime or looked like they might have. These “suspects” are used as pawns, on the great stage, and the play is played out, like a movie, to suit the wants and needs of an overwhelmingly HUGE government, that wants and likes control of the masses. The media is like the teacher’s pet, saying and doing everything the teacher (The president and his FEDS) have scripted out, and the rest of the students (ignorant masses) just fall in line, standing in that “single file line” (obedience) and allowing the illegal searches and seizures of their rights, their liberties, and their tax funded MARTIAL LAW.

You want your Bill of Rights back? Don’t open the door! Ask the police if YOU are a person of interest, if YOU are a suspect, and if they have a search warrant. If they don’t, they are violating every Constitutional right that you have, and you should fight back.

The U.S. Government bullies are running amuck, with no regulations, no checks and balances, and they’re acting like we all live in the Banana Republic. For more on this latest atrocity, visit natural news and learn how to protect your rights, your family, your home, and your health, wealth, and wellness:

Ron Paul; “Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that the job of the government is to keep us safe, but in reality the job of the government is to protect our liberties. Once the government decides that its role is to keep us safe, whether economically or physically, they can only do so by taking away our liberties. That is what happened in Boston”

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040165_Ron_Paul_Boston_Marathon_bombing_police_state.html#ixzz2S8zZTszm

Here’s another story of the U.S.. Government Gestapo raiding innocent business people!

Natural Health News: Truth about foods brought into light by Natural News

gmo pyramid

Thanks to the worldwide propaganda of big food corporations that most of the people do not understand, such as which food is good and which is bad. But all these things are about to change. Natural News reports of the release of a documentary film titled All Jacked Up that clearly depicts how the food corporations manipulate the facts for their own benefits. This documentary is a treasure chest for all those who want to gain some knowledge about the food industry, especially in the United States. The film is available online and can the trailer can be found at http://www.naturalnews.com/032529_All_Jacked_Up_documentary.html .

While All Jacked Up reveals the ugly truth about junk and processed foods, Natural News brings forth another set of foods that can significantly contribute towards controlling blood pressure. Foods like chocolate, Hawthorne berry, banana, watermelon, purple potato, kiwi, raisin, Jamaica tea and cayenne have proved their power in controlling high blood pressure. Daily consumption of one of these food materials can keep blood pressure well under control thus reducing the risk of suffering from stroke. People using steroids, antidepressants and birth control pills can effectively use these foods to put a check on their blood pressure. Know more at http://www.naturalnews.com/039994_foods_lower_blood_pressure_hypertension.html . Look into nutrition and end the pharmaceutical nightmare.

GMOs have always been regarded as the only possible answer to the impending food crisis of future. But latest studies reveal that GMOs are nothing but disease breeding agents that have more hindrances than benefits. So, according to Natural News it is better to avoid GMO foods. Any food that is not certified organic is likely to be GMO. The latest data from the USDA declare that 93 percent of all cotton, 90 percent of all soybeans and 86 percent of all corn in the U.S. are of GMO origin. Visit http://www.naturalnews.com/035472_GMOs_avoiding_soy.html to know more.

Find natural remedies that work! Organic and natural from the Health Ranger Mike Adams and the Natural News Store:





Click any of the following organic links to learn more about YOUR health and natural news:





Breaking Natural News: The Chemistry Council lobbying in Washington D.C. to bury 500 page Consensus Report on Carcinogens!

The lobbying front, The Chemistry Council, an umbrella name for Exxon Mobil, Dow, BASF and DuPont, is currently begging Congress to cut off funding for the document published every 2 years by NIH, National Institute of Health. This report is expected to inform the masses that formaldehyde in their homes is giving them cancer, and the chemical called styrene used to make your shower stalls, well, that’s most likely giving you the “C” word also, that dreaded disease for which we just can’t seem to FIND A CURE. Bury the cause, bury the cure, bury the people, but take their money first. That seems to be the plan of the new “CARCINOGEN REPRESENTATION” now prominent in the U.S. Government.

The Chemical Industry is working frantically to suppress the document because they say they fear “public confusion.” Yeah, tthe people will be confused about why their Government has so much money in offshore accounts all while they’re stuck lying in a hospital bed dying from chemo and radiation poisoning … asking, “How could this have happened to me! I’m a good person?”  You mean that type of confusion? Or do you mean people forgetting in COURT the names of the companies that put known carcinogens in their food, their clothing, their insulation, their bathroom, and their water? Can you say MON – SAN – TO? Very good! Now write it down and give it to your attorney.

By the way, 76 Scientists wrote a letter to Congress last month noting that the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) listed formaldehyde as a known carcinogen. The Chemistry Council is functioning the same way as Big Tobacco always used to, and that is to postpone and downplay warnings and research findings  until the damage is done and their roots are dug deep, meaning until everyone is so sick and “Big Chem” can’t help but make billions upon their billions.

The same thing happened with Asbestos. They knew it caused cancer back in the 1930’s but they denounced regulation and called all research otherwise “premature.” When Mitt Romney talks about deregulation, and that Obama has too strict of industry regulations, well, that’s the devil calling the grim reapor evil.

In no other time in history have the companies that make herbicide, pesticide, and fluoride created and regulated the ingredients of the mainstream food industry. Cancer is the greatest scam to ever beseige mankind, ever!


In no other period of history has the government better executed “sickness breeding mechanisms” like GMO, FORMALDEHYDE and FLUROIDE on the masses, the very masses that pay their salaries, salute their flag, and fight in their unnecessary wars.

Make no mistake, the FDA, the CDC, Monsanto, Bayer, Merck, they are all one camp. The Bad Food and Bad Medicine camp is running the Big Ship that 90% of Americans are cruising on, yet, little do most know, Niagara Falls is around the bend.

If you don’t get informed and stay informed of current events affecting your health and wellness, well, you find out sooner what it is that is detrimental to your livelihood. This is not some minor news about a new additive that hurts your belly or how candy makes you fat, this is how cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and heart disease kill so many people early in life.

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, exposes the latest on GMO and Government shaking hands and making deals to make you sick and treat you with chemicals, INCLUDING CREATING TOXIC FLU SHOTS AND VACCINES;

Here’s the biggest question of the month and you BETTER KNOW THE ANSWER:

What do Monsanto, BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont and Syngenta all have in common? They are all manufacturers of poison who are funneling millions of dollars into the campaign to try to defeat Proposition 37 in California (the GMO labeling bill). In doing this, these six pesticide companies have cemented their positions in history as being among the most evil corporations in human history.

Today, Natural News is announcing a lifetime boycott of all six companies. We are urging Natural News readers and all members of the human race who believe in a positive, healthful future to join in this lifetime boycott of these destructive companies:

Learn more right now! http://www.naturalnews.com/037681_Monsanto_DuPont_evil_corporations.html#ixzz2AJsbZGNG

FDA promotes GMOs while government “heads” and their families eat organic food!

Instances aren’t rare when it comes to capitalists promoting their cause to the ignorant masses (at least that’s what they think of us) and on the other hand, selecting the healthier alternatives for themselves and their families. In other words, they would rather push us to the verge of danger and opt for better alternatives personally– dichotomy at its best, shall we say?


One such example is found to exist in the White House. The First family of the United States of America enjoys organic food while the Presidential office approves bunches of GMO projects and passes them as ‘safe for consumption.’ Now, this is definitely what we call the “Biggest Oxymoron Ever!” Want to know more? The First Lady goes about bragging about her organic garden while her husband employs ex-Monsanto heads in his administration.

This apart, Monsanto’s GM crops (NK603) has been proven to cause tumor in a two year study, led by Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, where the team of French researchers has come up with evidence to support the  aforementioned fact. Monsanto’s officials couldn’t find a better excuse than blaming it all on the genetics of the rats. What more could we have expected out of the company who has been shamelessly promoting the usage of GM crops in spite of their adverse side effects? (Proven through various researchers conducted by scientists across the world)

We wonder what they would say to the corporate and political elites shunning these crops from their own diet. Even more shocking is the fact that Monsanto’s canteen does not dare  feed its employees with food made from this corn.

If we look at China – on one hand, there are GM crop-fed children falling sick, and on the other hand, there are administration heads growing organic plants and keeping them fenced off so that  members of the general public don’t get their hand on them. Is this inhumanity or plain callousness that defines the attitude of the government officials?

(Source:  http://www.naturalnews.com/037437_Monsanto_GM_corn_rat_tumors.html


Jeffrey Smith from the Institute for Responsible Technology has released  five short videos that are perfect for sharing with friends who might be  new to GMOs. These short videos tell powerful, hard-hitting stories about GMOs  in just two or three minutes, and they’re easy to forward to others who need to  know the truth about what’s happening to our food supply.

Even farm animals refuse to eat GMOs

Jeffrey  Smith relates a story about how farmers test whether their farm animals will eat  GMOs. Most farm animals naturally avoid genetically engineered feed if given a  choice!
Learn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/033806_GMO_videos.html#ixzz295hPKvsa

How GMOs turn your babies into medical experiments

This  short film reveals how genetically engineered foods are being widely consumed  today, causing a vast assortment of side effects, including widespread  infertility and damage to their sperm cells and DNA. Rats fed genetically  modified soy had half their babies die. Don’t let our babies become guinea pigs  of the GMO biotech industry!

Jeffrey Smith –

How GMOs may turn your body

into a human pesticide  factory

Jeffrey  Smith reveals how genetically engineered crops result in gene transfers into the  bacteria in the human gut. It means that after eating GMOs,  we may have genetically modified proteins inside our own bodies. Even worse,  when BT (genetically engineered) corn is consumed, the gene that produces the BT  toxin may transfer into the bacteria living in your intestines, turning you into  a HUMAN PESTICIDE FACTORY.
Learn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/033806_GMO_videos.html#ixzz295hf50Xn
Learn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/033806_GMO_videos.html#ixzz295hJU7Ne

Whole Foods lies about GMO in their store – CAUGHT ON FILM!!


 Get the scoop

Don’t be fooled

     Never eat GMO!

Interview with organic consumer from Albuquerque, NM:

Reporter: “What really makes you angry about this expose on whole foods covering up their GMO products?”

Consumer: “Because that’s a grocery store you think you can trust! And it should be up to consumers if they choose to eat GMO crops and I think its deceiptful that they’re trying to keep it from us. It’s not up to them. It’s up to me.”

Reporter: “What do you think GMO products do to your body?”

Consumer: “Create disease. And there haven’t been enough studies to prove otherwise.”

Reporter: “What do you mean, disease, like cancer and heart disease?”

Consumer: “It’s mutating your genes, it’s mutating at a cellular level. Organic food comes from nature and is grown the way it was intended to be grown, in its most natural and perfect state.”

Reporter: “So what are you doing personally, now that you’ve seen this video about Whole Foods employees, management, and ownership lieing to its consumers?”

Consumer: “I’m not shopping at whole foods, and I’m avoiding products such as Naked, Kashi, Silk, Horizon, and many others. Please watch the video if you haven’t, it’s a MUST SEE!”








Bleached Food on the Rise: Health Ranger Calls it out Again!


What is it? Can you smell it in food? Can you taste it? Can it clean floors? Can it destroy human cells? Why does cheap meat need to be bleached? Lots of questions. One answer. Bleach is used to kill bacteria that is swarming in “feed” animals that live a horrific life, eating chemicals, being shot up with chemicals, living in concentration camps (CAFO’s), and dying a horrific, in-humane death, in front of the other animals, sending shock and toxins throughout the meat even worse. Bleach is used to kill the ecoli, to kill the GM infections, to kill the viruses, to keep people from sueing fast food restaurants from immediate sickness and disease.

Azodicarbonamide, a flour-bleaching agent that is most commonly used in the manufacture of foamed plastics like in gym mats and the soles of shoes, is found in the McRib bun,” Time magazine reported, noting that the compound is banned in Europe and Australia as an additive to foods!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037352_McRib_sandwich_yoga_mats_chemicals.html#ixzz289hSMOSw

Bleach is in 20% of foods today. White rice, white pasta, white sugar, white bread, white flour. Why? Because it gives that illusion of “cleanliness”, purity, maybe somehow healthy. But the irony is that it is just the opposite. Eating bleach is deadly, for the cleansing organs like the pancreas, the liver, the kidneys. Bleach causes prostate cancer. Bleach causes pancreatic cancer. Bleach causes bladder cancer.

When your body tries to process and expel bleach, it becomes acidic, toxic, and cells suffocate. Your cells need oxygen to function, just as your lungs do. Bleach kills cells, mutates cells, and leads to cancer, THE BIGGEST BUSINESS in America.



Bleach is used to kill bugs. It’s used in pesticides. Bleach is used for the paper that cigarettes are rolled with. Smokers are smoking bleach. Fast food joints get their meat as cheap as they can, from farmers who don’t care at all about their animals, who just want to make more money. Bleach is needed on these types of farms to kill the bacteria and viruses that make humans violently ill fast. This prevents lawsuits and keeps the McRib on the rack!



What’s the FAST FOOD PEROGATIVE? Make cheap food and make money.

What’s the NATURAL NEWS PEROGATIVE? Expose the fakes, the liars, the toxic losers who don’t care about animal or human life.



Natural News. Natural Health. Health Ranger. Mike Adams. Read Natural News. Read about Organic Living. Get Healthy. Stay Healthy. Stay Informed. Be Organic.

Natural News. Natural Health. Health Ranger. Mike Adams. Read Natural News. Read about Organic Living. Get Healthy. Stay Healthy. Stay Informed. Be Organic.

Natural News. Natural Health. Health Ranger. Mike Adams. Read Natural News. Read about Organic Living. Get Healthy. Stay Healthy. Stay Informed. Be Organic!

Natural News spotlight: Mayor Bloomberg’s soda ban will cause more health problems among New Yorkers!!

Mayor Bloomberg’s soda ban in New York is hilarious because it doesn’t apply to aspartame-based “diet sodas” but puts a ban on regular sodas based on HFCS which is far less damaging than aspartame. HFCS might cause obesity and diabetes but aspartame causes neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s. So be ready to confront a new set of zombies in New York.


This soda ban will create a new black market of soda. Crime will rise and customers will have to buy sodas from black-marketers. The result – instead of buying soda legally, people will buy soda from dark alleys where crime is frequent! Then the government will set up a new soda prohibition task force or declare a “war on soda” like the ‘“war on drugs.” And, it becomes another inclusion in the list of incidents that make up a vicious circle.

The problem with creating new laws is that you criminalize a segment of the population. So, instead of doing something good, the government curbs public freedom. You can’t just put a ban on soda if a person chooses to have it. What you can do is increase the awareness on the adverse effects of soda on health. But by implementing a soda ban, Mayor Bloomberg is treating people like “stupid” children and hurting their dignity. It’s becoming a situation where you want to control every single detail of a person’s life.

This decision by the nanny state government will only increase obesity and diabetes because most of these diseases are caused by a lack of vitamin D, selenium, zinc or magnesium. And, soda does nothing to supplement people with these nutrients. A ban on soda won’t push people towards a healthier lifestyle, exercise or a balanced diet.

The basic point is people are becoming sicker. But a ban or enforcing a law can’t make them healthier. It has to be their personal choice. A ban will only make people lose their freedom.


THIS HAS BEEN: A Natural News Spotlight!

Read. Learn. Read. Live. Read. Share. Enjoy.

Natural News uncovers dangerously “modified” cereals: Will your kids soon look like the rats that eat GMO?

Modified … hmmmm, modified … what could that mean? Modified corn starch? Partially hydrogenated? Food coloring or maybe some synthetic, fake taste additives? Heck, I could “modify” some food by adding cow manure to it … and if you couldn’t smell it, would you still eat it? There’s worse news than cow manure going on here (that wouldn’t be close to the scaryness I’m about to tell you you’re eating); the bad news is that in this case, the case of CORN BASED CEREALS, we’re talking about GENETIC MODIFICATION, and it’s a hundred times worse for your body, your cells, your blood, than eating some modified starch.

We’re talking about adding weed killer, bug killer, rodent killer – to your cereal and serving it up to you and your kids, if you still have any. Who is we? Monsanto is “we.” A huge chemical company that is genetically “inserting” pesticide into corn seeds, so the plant grows with pesticide and herbicide as part of the eatable parts, so you can’t avoid it, if you eat GMO cereals.

So why corn and soy as the two major genetically modified veggies? Corn and soy are perfect for “bulking up” your food. Dried up and MODIFIED for your cancer consuming pleasure. Keep checking everything you buy for them. If it doesn’t say organic, you’re probably eating what the GMO tested rats ate and your cells are mutating, slowly but surely, and you could end up losing the cancer war. Because there are bad cells in everyone’s body, but the GMO fueled bad cells multiply uncontrollably, and attack your organs, if you’re a man, your prostate, or if you’re female, your breasts.

Recent research is linking Monsanto’s GMO corn to cancer tumors and premature death for MEN AND WOMEN. But you won’t see or hear about it on TV. Oh no. Big Pharma can shut the media down for stuff like that. Remember when Oprah Winfrey said bad things about the meat industry, and they shut her up fast. She’s about the most influential, powerful woman in modern history, and the meat industry, the agriculture industry, the drug industry, Wall Street, they are all just one big set of thugs, living in the business world, thriving off of the general publics sickness. We’re talking about sickness that comes from bad food. That bad food is getting worse fast, way worse. GM vegetables are MODIFIED TO KILL YOU and the proof is in! Russia is banning all United States GM imports right now. The whole European Union is considering it.

The latest research was done on rats over a lifetime of eating GM corn. This is not some 30 day “fake” test and “independent research” run by the companies that make the poison GM. No, this is the real deal, and the whole world is finding out this week!
According to the Center for Food Safety, up to 85% of the corn grown in the United States is genetically modified.
The following list presents the top 10 popular breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto’s genetically modified corn. For the record, none of these cereals claim to be GMO-free, nor made with organic corn. The exact GMO content of these cereals remains a mystery precisely because manufacturers of these cereals refuse to label them with their GMO content.
Legal note: This BLOG is presented in the public interest, reflecting reasonable caution over a common food ingredient which French scientists have now convincingly linked to cancer and premature death in studies conducted on rats. Humans DNA is 96% the same as rats. Think about it. Read this top ten list and then click on the natural news link and just scroll down and look at the rat pictures. This is insane that the FDA in America doesn’t ban GMO right now all together forever!


Cocoa Puffs

Corn Chex

Frosted Flakes

Honey Graham Oh’s

Honey Nut Chex

Kashi Heart to Heart
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

Kellogg’s Corn Pops


Barbara’s Bakery Puffins Peanut Butter

The Health Ranger Mike Adams says, “There is only one brand of breakfast cereal I know of that’s 100% non-GMO and 100% organic across their entire product line. That company is Nature’s Path.”

Go now, clean out your pantry of the pest killing poison. Dump all those corn chip bags in the trash. Get rid of the non-organic tortillas, the corn-based muffins and the crackers and the cookies! Do it in the name of life itself – the healthy life you deserve to live! The healthy life your family deserves to live.

Seek NATURAL REMEDIES PEOPLE! They are ways to detox your body of these GMO Cereals you’ve been eating, and those GMO corn chips. Go to NaturalNews.com and put the word detox in their search box. Start reading. start buying food and supplements that really make you healthy.

Nature Made Medicine, Not Man! The Health Ranger Addresses Ancient Cures

The ancient Egyptians used herbs and drugs to treat disease and kept very meticulous notes for specialty cures and methods that worked, time and time again. This is proof of medicine far beyond what the FDA brings to the table today, which is usually false tests, no match experimentation, twisted summaries, altered lab results for payoffs from Big Pharma, and “independent lab research” to refute real research which is done first to show the harm, side effects, comas and deaths that result from the careless reign of Big Medicine.

We’re talking now about the Fathers of Medicine in Ancient Egypt that recorded maladies and treatments, and had physicians, real ones, to rely on for results and feedback from not only citizens, but Emporors and Pharoahs.

The scarcity of references to cancer in their scrolls confirms the rarity of it, and goes to show that the American Industrial Revolution created the epidemic of it, with processed food, pollution, toxic tap water, and chemotherapy.


Along with Egyptian medicine, the Health Ranger Mike Adams covers Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Tibetan medicine, Western herbalism, American Indian medicine (with all its variations), rainforest herbs, Amazonian medicine, Australian aboriginal medicine, Hawaiian / Pacific islands medicine, and more.

Australian aboriginal medicine, for example, is based on the numerous desert plants native to the Australian continent. Tibetan medicine is based on the medicinally-potent plants that grow in the harsh, high-altitude environments of Tibet. And Amazonian medicine is based on the abundant biodiversity of natural medicine found in rainforest botanicals.

Realize that every system of medicine has a treatment for breast cancer.

In the Amazon rainforest, such treatments might include the Una de Gato herb (also known in Western herbalism as “Cat’s Claw” and widely used as a potent anti-cancer medicine). In the regions we now know as the American Southwest and Mexico, treatments for cancer utilize tea made from Chaparral bush leaves (also known in modern times as the “creosote” bush, from which leaf oils were extracted in order to coat railroad ties). Do some homework yourself on Natural News. Go to the site and put in your request in the search box at the top right. Just type in key words or countries you heard have a cure for something, or a treatment that doesn’t just suppress symptoms, but addresses the root of the problem!! You will find recipes of various medicinal herbs that strengthen and support the body’s innate anti-cancer protection mechanisms.


The Queen of Remedies

Several of the studies have shown that black cumin seed extract could assist  individuals with autoimmune disorders and could possibly help to fight cancer.  One recent study on black cumin seed oil demonstrated that it was effective  against pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest and most difficult to treat  cancers.

Learn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/030800_cumin_seeds_health.html#ixzz26kWfCWy7