Military medical “quick strike team” from Obama Administration to control Ebola outbreak

civil war imminent (2)

According to Natural News, the Obama Administration has ordered the Department of Defense to form a 30-member military medical “quick strike team” that can deploy quickly — within 72 hours — to any new outbreaks of Ebola in the U.S.

The team will consist of five physicians, 20 nurses and five trainees, according to reports, and will be tasked with providing “direct treatment to Ebola patients inside the United States. The Defense Department has been working to determine what assistance it could offer the civilian health care sector,” according to CNN.

“The concept is said to have come out of Obama’s recent White House meeting, one in which reports had him berating staff for an inadequate response to the growing crisis around Ebola,” Breitbart News reported.

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Following the meeting, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered Gen. Chuck Jacoby, head of U.S. Northern Command, or USNORTHCOM, which oversees homeland defense and security, “to prepare and train a 30-person expeditionary medical support team that could, if required, provide short-notice assistance to civilian medical professionals in the United States,” said Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby.

The Pentagon spokesman added that Jacoby, a four-star Army general, has begun work on the joint team. Once it is formed, Kirby continued, the team will be sent to the Army’s medical training facilities at Fort Sam Houston, near Austin, Texas, to begin seven days of intense training in infection control and the wear of personal protective equipment.

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases will provide the training, Kirby said. Once trained, the team will remain in a “prepare to deploy” status for one month and be able to respond anywhere in the U.S. if “deemed prudent by our public health officials,” he added.

Natural News and the Natural News Tracker keeping you informed!

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the truth about how the Obama Administration’s quick strike team is going to work, one can easily log onto:

Get ready for the US Military Ebola “Strike Team” to Visit Homes all across America!

3 stooges

Will you be drawn and “quartered,” like a Jewish person in the Holocaust? Are you a “trader of the state” if you have a fever and don’t report it to Obama’s henchmen? What will they do with all the flu victims this winter? What if you flew to Africa, or Dallas, Texas recently? You know there’s a 42 day watch period necessary to see if you really have Ebola after being exposed to someone with it? Yes, so if the CDC was honest and cruel, they would quarantine everyone with a fever this winter for 42 days, away from their families and work, in a safe place, like some old prison that isn’t being used anymore, or maybe at a mental hospital where there are rooms to strap you down and vaccinate you with some strain of Ebola, that might not even be the right one. But still, the CDC is preparing and taking steps to protect the people of America, as they hose the Ebola off the streets and leave people’s sheets in their homes for days that are contaminated with Ebola virus.

Yes, here’s the report as covered by Natural News:

“CNN said Pentagon officials have confirmed the formation of the team, which will be able to quickly deploy any time over the next month.” Learn more:

CNN reported further that the Defense Department “has been working to determine what assistance it could offer the civilian health care sector” THE CIVILIAN HEALTH CARE SECTOR

1984 came true

Prepare to deploy!! It’s like the three stooges are coming to your Ebola rescue. A military task force that knows NOTHING about infectious disease and never went to medical college or studied natural remedies is going to suit up with some Biohazard Gear and ready their weapons for helping medical professionals do their “job” with you – which is WHAT? What exactly is the task force’s job? To transport some screaming, fighting Ebola suspects who just have flu or diarrhea and are freaking out?

bad doc (2)

Does the task force protect us from ourselves, or from the Sheriff trying to protect the innocent, healthy people and their rights?

The “civilian health care sector” is nothing but a bunch of dumb, sick zombies going to work, buying into Obamacare, and waiting for the HHS/DHS/FEMA and the Red Cross to show up and save them. That’s the very system that made them sick and dumb in the first place, along with the FDA and all the toxic food and medicine out there!

Who’s tracking all this madness?

The Natural News Tracker!


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Missing Flight 370 from Malaysia – Could the ocean have opened up and swallowed it?

ocean opens up

What is at the center of the earth? Is there a huge operational “center” we don’t know about? The airline was said to have stopped communicating around 35,000 feet, which is over 6 miles high, what “swooped” into the picture and took the entire plane out of our “world” – but somehow left some cell phones connected to their carrier? These are the theories floating around, none with disrespect to the missing human beings.

What if messages start coming back on the phones? Could NSA listen to aliens? What supernatural force is at work here, or is the plane sitting on some island somewhere in a “twilight” zone?

The Health Ranger does a great job exhausting all possibilities that we know as humans and also some great scientific theory. It’s good to think about all possibilities and keep our minds open, after all, 100 years ago, if we were standing outside and saw 3 F-16 jets do a fly over and blow up something the size of a football stadium with a missile, we’d think Aliens came down to “take something out.”

Check out some of the angles Mike Adams brings to the table in this article:

This brings up the immediate bind-bending question of how electronic devices on a commercial flight that vanished still appear to be connected to the internet. The explanations for this defy everything we think we know about reality:

Learn more:

Flight 370 vanished in thin air …

More coverage here on Natural

Its time to keep your New Year’s Resolution – What was yours? What should it have been?

Natural News delivers a wonderful message full of positivity and directness. They are asking us if we made a New Year’s resolution, what it was, if we kept it, and IF NOT, how we can! Alternative News brings us remedies for “troublesome” situations and natural cures for what the Western World often find themselves “trapped” in. From bad habits to not enough good ones, we can change the way we think, live, breathe and eat in a single day, like New Year’s Day. Did you change for the better? Did you quit smoking? Are you going to quit eating GMO?

The Health Ranger is about to announce some evolutionary breakthroughs in Food Science that will affect just about every decision you make, especially if you are a health enthusiast like the 7 million people that tap into monthly.

Wait, did I strike a chord with you? Would you like to go 100% non-GMO for 2014? How great would that be? How much would YOUR BODY reward YOU for doing it?

Learn more:

Do you know exactly what GMO means, besides just standing for Genetically Modified Organisms, I mean, do you REALLY KNOW what it means to modify seeds with bug killer or weed killer so no pests in the fields of America will eat the crops, not the bugs, the worms, the beetles, or the weeds, oh, except the humans, they will end up eating eat – all those humans who don’t know what GMO REALLY MEANS.

“Molecular engineers working in laboratories for Monsanto, the giant American biotech company, are gene-splicing vegetable seedlings with poisonous pesticides and herbicides so the plants are inherently protected from the insects and worms that might damage them.”

Hey, whatever your New Year’s Resolution was, I bet it was a good one. You should keep it, and maybe add on one or two, like quitting cigarettes for good or joining a gym and starting your own organic garden. Good luck and Happy New Year!

What is GMO? How many people really know? Health Ranger explains the danger!

There are scary scientists in labs right now mixing chemicals with bacteria and viruses to see if they can kill more crop pests, but it’s all done at the expense of human life. Money, money, money is the name of the game, and brilliant scientists get twisted or ARE twisted, working for Biotech firms like Monsanto, Bayer, Dow, Dupont, BASF, Syngenta and more, trying to kill the bugs that eat the vegetables and fruit, and trying to kill the weeds that choke out the corn and soy and tobacco. These scientists will use any means necessary to kill the pests, including designing seeds that grow pesticide inside them, and DNA traits that dissolve the beetles’ digestive tract completely, killing them as they try to feed on the crop. They have tried so hard to make Biotech have a good name, where the masses will believe that somehow food technology is looking out for our better interest, and some global agenda that is supposed to help the starving world eat for generations to come. But what’s killing the world is cancer food. This Biotech “movement” is nothing but a fancy word for bug, weed and human killer that attempts to increase crop yield, but fails at even that, it’s sole purpose.

How can we teach the kids, before it’s too late? How can teachers tell their kids and warn them about tainted, modified, pesticide laden food before Disney World and Monsanto spread their propaganda and brainwash them? The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, Editor of Natural is in the forefront of the health and wellness movement, to educate EVERYONE about GMO and the inherent dangers, not just to our health, but the ecosystems all over the world, and soil, water, air, everything.

This is a 3 minute wake up call for all you planners and educators. You can share the following video in a classroom setting, or at a health fair on a big screen, or you can share it on social media and Youtube. You can post it on your own blog. You can make it the introduction to an exercise for kids to engage, like a short essay or a coloring project where they differentiate between organic food and modified pest killer food.

Nobody explains things quite so concisely and frankly as the Health Ranger, so take advantage of this great video clip and use it in whatever setting you can that will benefit as many people as possible.

Read this then click on the link:

Mike Adams explains:
“Now there’s an easy way to introduce new people to the topic of GMOs. Here at Natural News, we’ve just completed a fascinating new video that reveals the story of GMOs in just three minutes. The video reveals where GMOs come from, why they’re used and why they cause organ damage and cancer in mammals.”

Check it out on YouTube at:

Natural News Exclusive:

Also check out this Health Basics article for more info on basic GMO dangers:

Your sun vibration and organic living for the ultimate purpose

When certain transformations of body, mind and soul occur in humans, the sun changes the quality of the light it transmits, sending a different message to the human organ of the earth, and this, in turn, causes the whole of humanity to change. Humans are now gaining more clarity of purpose. The core of a human being is a personal ray of light in connection with the sun. Therefore, whatever happens in the single human is known by the sun through its light. From this we know that evolution of the whole human race is akin to the life of a single living being who transforms. Once we find our personal ray of light, we can shift our point of view to the sun and see the human race all at once. When we find that ray that connects us to the sun, we think without fear! Humans who can do this are prophets who point the way for others.

Natural News enthusiasts know that organic food transforms the body and mind into organic light, enabling and catapulting the human spirit towards enlightenment and longevity. That is why it is important for health advocates to continually educate themselves by tuning into the Health Ranger and his team of Journalists who are in relentless pursuit of food freedom, personal freedom, and the organic way of living. By reading articles posted to Natural News and clicking on research links provided, you and I can constantly be in touch with the ultimate knowledge and insight about organic ways of living, including safety, self sufficient living, and your rights to grow and sustain your own organic garden. Natural remedies and natural immunity to diseases and disorders can be fostered by understanding and appreciating indigenous herbs, tinctures, Superfoods and proven methods for prospering naturally, without Western medicine and GMO food that morphs the human DNA and wrecks our ability to stay pure and organic, the way Nature intended us to be.

Here’s a great link for starting and maintaining your own organic garden, whether you live in the city, the suburbs, the country, or wherever!

Here’s a great link about the dangers of GMO and what you can do to protect yourself against being fooled by a system that wants you sick and in need of expensive “health care”

Here’s a fantastic link about self-sufficiency and survival during even the toughest times, whether a natural disaster hits, a tornado, food shortage, drought, flooding or the like, you can prepare and protect your family with this insight and a program designed and invented by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger!

Read this: “As protests continues to grow in major cities worldwide, those who are paying attention know that a time of rioting and collapse is fast approaching. European banks are on the brink of default, and a collapse in Europe will drag the U.S. even more deeply into its own downward spiral of financial insolvency. How long can the system hold out before we see massive protests, riots and even a “second American revolution” begin to unfold? More importantly, how will you not only *survive* the inevitable disruptions in basic resources (water, electricity, heating oil, local law enforcement, etc.) but how will you THRIVE through any crisis and always come out ahead?”

Jon Rappoport covers NSA and the DEEPEST SECRET of the whole operation; breaking news from Prison Planet and Natural News

surveillance cartoon1984 came true

mike on info wars
Where do you get the truth about the War on Terror? Alternative Media. And where do you get the truth straight from the mouths of the greatest whistleblowers of our time? Alternative Media. Natural News, InfoWars and PrisonPlanet are all covering this latest revelation about the core of the government crisis, the Achilles heel of information.

If you work at a bank in America, security on the computers is pretty tight. Lots of passwords and critical information on people’s assets, some really huge assets, are at your fingertips. But if you’re an outside contractor who finds work at NSA for a month and you bring your thumb drive with you on the way out the door, you’ve got “asset” and strategy information on the control of information. You see, the NSA bans thumb drives, but this one got through ALL THE SECURITY LAYERS, and got out, with an outside contractor, who was really only at NSA for a month, one Mr. Ed Snowden.


What’s on Snowden’s thumb drive? Did he bring in a zip drive or a hard drive too? Is the CIA fighting with NSA over control of the whole world again? This is like the NBA finals, and it’s game 7!

“Still waiting to be uncovered? NSA spying to collect elite financial data, spying on the people who have that data: the major investment banks. NSA scooping up that data to predict, manipulate, and profit from trading markets all over the world.”



Are we supposed to believe the terrorists don’t know the U.S. Government is watching over the internet? Do Americans truly believe terrorists are likely to Facebook and Twitter and sign up for Gmail? This is like a Hollywood movie where the Feds are really dumb and you laugh because the bad guys are smarter than the FBI, like in “Die Hard” I with Bruce Willis. I can hear the terrorists now, “Dang dude, we shouldn’t have re-posted those videos on YouTube! Man, now they have our office address and your profile photo. We better go hide at Uncle JJ’s cave and use a black market laptop for awhile!”

However, being “tracked” makes Miss Alabama feel safe and secure, so since she’s a role model, all people should feel this way also. Accept Big Government. You should also accept them putting video camera’s in your bathroom, because the monsters might be hiding in there also. This is the war on terror my friends, the one where the Government can look up your butt and call it a patriot act.


“NSA is an open book. A book written by idiots. It cost a trillion dollars, but anyone could waltz in there and read the whole thing. Use a thumb drive, and you can also walk out with the whole thing.”

Wake up and smell the coffee, it’s brewing. This is Natural News coverage of possibly the most important event of the decade so far, so tune in to REAL Journalism with the facts and the exposure to make your own informed intelligent decisions about your own safety, health and “wealth!” You deserve your privacy and your Bill of Rights. This NSA whistle-blower has blown the lid off the whole corrupt system, so the masses can wake up and start voting for people like Ron Paul who actually care about your privacy, ending the IRS, nullifying the Patriot Act, and ending the senseless war!

The “Mutated Wheat Invasion” has struck America

superbug planet

The Mass Media absolutely will not cover this latest atrocity. This is bigger than Oprah Winfrey talking smack about the polluted Meat Industry. This is bigger than finding out that of the 4 “Food Groups,” 3 cause cancer. Imagine, wheat which has a mutated gene which tells the human body NOT to detoxify itself. People, if you read up on this, you will understand that GMO WHEAT contains a gene “silencer,” like a silencer on a gun, when you get “shot” nobody even hears it, sees smoke, or smells gun powder, no, with this silencer, your body’s “pathway” for cleansing is erased, so say goodbye to “whole wheat” and “whole grains” and 7 grains and whatever they call it next, and find organic food, fast. This is worldwide alarming news on Wheat, and TV news may bring up the topic briefly, just to touch on it, so you won’t be so alarmed, and they will find reason that you should just dismiss it, like last weeks news, and like tomorrows new health catastrophes.

Natural News reports: “Japan has tentatively cancelled all wheat imports from the U.S. due to contamination concerns, while China, South Korea, the Philippines and the entire European Union (EU) are monitoring the situation closely to see how it develops.”

America pushes grains and fiber on EVERYBODY like it’s the golden health food. Whole grain bread and whole grain cereal, right? Woohoo. Hey, I’m going to clean my system right out! Then people with IBS, Crohn’s, other inflammatory disorders, they just can’t figure out what’s wrong, and neither can their “doctors” (MDs). Can’t do the math, but take two pills of pesticide and two of herbicide and I bet you’ll be able to figure out why you’re sick. Take two pills you spray with fungicide and insecticide, like some bug spray or some weed killer, and then wonder why your food and stress are making you sick. Talk to the doctor about stress, not the RoundUp you sprayed on your pills or on your dinner plate (hint: corn, soy, canola and msg). Tell you MD quack about the whole grain bread and the whole grain pasta that has a wheat gene silencer in it, and see if he/she knows what you’re talking about, or “WANTS” to talk about something else. Tell your doctor about GMO food, like msg, sorbitol, sucralose and aspartame, because you might even find it in the medicine he/she prescribed for you, for your IBS – to take on an empty stomach! MD’s won’t talk about GMO. They dismiss it. They are afraid to discuss Monsanto and AquaAdvantage. The AMA might come take their license away and ruin those 8 years of research that had nothing to do with Nutrition.

Are you taking something for regularity? Does it contain fiber or psyllium? Should you really be eating food that contains genes from insects, or pesticides which dissolve the insides of agricultural pests? Have you seen the pigs’ stomachs that consumed GMO? Have you seen the rats? Are YOU a rat? Do you want to feel like a sick dog all day, and end up getting prescribed chemo, more insecticide/pesticide for a disease you got from eating GMO pesticide? Do you think that will work?

Please, stay informed of the GM Mutated Wheat Invasion of America, and add it to the “biohazard” food list, like GM corn, soy, canola, beets, salmon, tilapia, and rest assured, there’s more to come. Natural News trackers keep you in touch with REAL health news and information.

Meat, milk, aspartame and MSG – 4 top killers in U.S.


What do people say when they hear about vegetarians, vegans and so called “health nuts?” One of the first questions people ask is “where do you get your protein?” Easy answer. Plant based food, which has more protein and is easy for the body to access, via amino acids. Therefore, there is no “middle man,” you know, that tough meat the body has to break down. Plus, most Americans do not eat organic meat, so therefore that beef, chicken, or pork is loaded with hormones, antibiotics, and probably those animals were fed GMO pesiticide laden feed, like sugar, alfalfa, and corn. This kind of protein is non digestible or usable, so whose getting protein now?

Lets move into milk problems now: The whole dairy industry is one big hoax in America, leading consumers into a calcium overload nightmare, adding in rBGH and rBST hormones they give cows, and lots of animal fat to clog the veins and arteries, and what have you got? Heart health problems, circulatory problems and calcium overload, which leads to calcium deposits and kidney and gall stones. No wonder America has the highest incidence of strokes and heart disease.

Then you have the two biggest food agent criminals known to mankind, MSG and aspartame. These are junk science food criminals, which screw up your CNS, your central nervous system, and they mess up your taste buds, so you won’t appreciate the natural taste of fruits and vegetables anymore. Ever notice if you eat artificially sweet or super salty foods, that the next few meals just don’t taste right, especially if they are organic or wholesome foods. Junk science has figured out how to hook people on fake food that tastes salty and super sweet, and that is destroying our insides, including our digestive tract and excretive system. Cleansing organs are overloaded, trying to filter our synthetic, health crippling food, and the end result is aches and pains which are just symptoms of disorder and the onset of diseases, preventable ones at that!

What’s the cure for junk science, the meat myth, the milk myth, the four food group myth, and all the other lies that America convinces consumers is “normal” living?

Study just a few links I have provided you from Natural News, where the Health Ranger and his team of Reporters, Journalists, Nutritionists, whistle-blowers, and insiders from the FDA, CDC, EPA and more are telling it like it is, so you will know how to heal your body, detoxify, and live a long, happy, fruitful way, where organic food tastes spectacular, and junk science is just a thing of the past. Don’t fall for the hoaxes! The natural news tracker is also on line, revealing all the myths that are out there and busting them to pieces! You need to know this. Its easy reading and worth your while. You will know where to get good food, how to filter out the chemicals, and learn the trade tricks for longevity. the Protein Myth!

Don’t Eat Cancer! How do you do that, you ask? You learn about all the chemicals in foods posing as food “agents”. Yes, there are undercover agents, spies, so to speak, in foods that want you sick and in need of Western Medicine chronic symptom cover up “care.” It’s all a ploy to take your money and NOT fix the problem.

Here are some important links for you to review:

Never ever eat artificial sweeteners. You see, they trick the body, because they taste sweet, so your system tries to ingest them and use them, then they get stuck in the liver, the pancreas, the kidneys, and so forth, and you get ill. This all planned by a crooked food industry and scientists who are paid to come up with “diet” stuff that makes you fatter! Yes, that’s right, the wrong diets make you put ON WEIGHT!

I love studying health and wellness. Let me share all this with you. Good luck on your venture and stay tuned to the Natural News tracker for more. Enjoy!

World is facing dire shortage of water

Water is the life saving drug and according to Natural News, people trust the wrong person or entities when it comes to its purity. To some, spring water is precious in order to keep health, where to others, it is a garbage bin to throw trash in order to save money on proper disposal. They are simply making money by destroying the environment. Because water is so very important in our lives, poisoning and pollution create hazardous impacts on the health of every single individual, not just a few. Not only health, but it affects mentally as well. It is vital to consume clear water in order to live a healthy life, even though thousands of people are deprived every day from such circumstances. It is now coming into the limelight that billions of people are affected with impure water. Therefore, it is the duty of every citizen to take adequate care when it comes to drinking water.
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As per Natural News, water is precious in every way when compared with oil, gold and even other expensive materials. But now, scientists are warning that fresh water is becoming so scarce that it is time for the government to take adequate measures, before the level of fresh water runs out entirely. The reasons behind impurity of water are changes in climate, over use of natural and manmade resources, and last but not the least, pollution. This research was done by 500 scientists. According to Guardian, the British newspaper, it was reported by experts that the water system of the world will soon reach a certain point when irreversible changes with catastrophic consequences will take place.
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There are various ways through which one can preserve water and other food products in order to save both the health and environment. There are different organic products available in the Natural News store like Pink Himalayan Salt, Golden Flax and more, at cost effective ranges.
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