Nazi scientists invented chemotherapy, which causes cancer itself


During the Holocaust, six million Jews died from being shot in the head, fed chemicals and/or gassed to death. Each year in America, one million and five hundred thousand people are diagnosed with cancer and half of those die from a disease caused by those SAME CHEMICALS they are being “medicated” with. Think about THAT for the rest of your life.

The Idiot Box (TV) vs. Natural – What NEWS do you want in your brain each day?


The idiot box tells you that there’s no prevention for Alzheimer’s. How about not eating aluminum (antacids) or drinking aluminum (tap water) or injecting it into your veins (vaccines)? The idiot box sells drugs for health problems but the side effects include internal bleeding and thoughts of suicide. The idiot box presents reporters in front of blue screens who lie and say they are somewhere else. It must be a budget thing. The idiot box has reporters who say they were shot at during war coverage, though they were not. This is the idiot box, where you are also supposed to get your news, that is, about your health and safety. Why would anyone believe a word these people say?

The idiot box filters ALL information to breed toxic bodies and minds:

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On the other hand, there’s Natural News (which does include NaturalNews.TV), and this is where we recently saw (just last August of 2014) the VIDEO of the CDC whistleblower and scientist Dr. William Thompson who admitted in TOTAL CONFESSION that vaccines cause autism and that test results proving that have been hidden from the public.

There’s Natural, where the Editor in Chief is also the lead researcher at the Forensic Food Lab, where they use microscopy to view heavy metal toxins in foods down to the parts per million and billion.

Mike Adams is reshaping the protein and rice industries that want to be viewed as healthy food choices by putting in place maximums for heavy metal toxins like lead, aluminum, cadmium, tungsten and more. This is reality reporting and the information is free.


That’s cheaper than TV because we all know you pay some monopoly-corporation exorbitant fees to watch the fake news with those side-effect laden commercials that scream “IDIOT BOX.” Change your “tune” and tune into health freedom. It will make everything better for you – – your work, your exercise, your creativity and your extra-curricular activity! It’s time to “kill” the fake news and do what will benefit you and your family for the rest of your life. Oh yes, seek out highly valuable and free information and then share it with everyone you know. It’s right at your fingertips too. No need for TV. There’s even NaturalNewsRadio for your car ride or your porch on a rainy day:

mike b nn radio

You just click and listen from any smart device or laptop. Connect some mini-speaker to your computer or smart phone and sit back and learn all about your organic life and about your environment. Learn how to grow organic fruits and vegetables inside your home or in your yard for pennies on the dollar too. (


Natural News Reports on Reality

Every day, if you track Natural News on line, you find at least a dozen new articles published by the Editor. The research and reporting is done by journalists, investigative reporters, nutritionists, doctors, scientists (like Mike Adams) and more. Natural News reports on reality – like the dire water problem in California that the MSM, main-stream-media (a.k.a. lame-stream-media) is blacking out from the news. Oh, but the Governor is screaming for help.

This was just published today: “Those who have not been doing their share,” include the wealthy residents of Beverly Hills, whose elite circle considers anything other than a lush green lawn bordered with blossoming foliage a travesty. A Sunday stroll up Maple Drive in Beverly Hills would have you thinking about anything except the fact that the state is experiencing one of the worst droughts in history as it enters a fourth consecutive dry year.”

While the fake news on the idiot box tells you there’s no cure or prevention for Alzheimer’s or autism, the real news on Natural News shares success stories of people who changed over to organic food, said NO! to toxic vaccines and said NO! to fluoridated water, those success stories help new ones develop and champion their own health and self-reliance. It’s all about food freedom, medical freedom and protecting the environment. Natural News informs you that more than 90% of the products on the shelves at grocery stores contain food toxins that lead to disease and disorder of the human body.

When is the last time TV advertised something cured a disease or disorder, because one hundred years ago there rarely was a case of cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease or strokes in the USA, and there are thousands of REAL stories out there of people who cured themselves of these PREVENTABLE diseases, disorders of the cells, disorders of the central nervous system, and malnutrition.

TV has negativity for sale. Are you BUYING into it?

Do you want chemical healthcare because you eat chemical food? Fine. Here you go:

Natural News will inform you that PREVENTABLE actually means preventable. It means you can do something about it, and that doesn’t mean taking chemical medicines that are manufactured in labs.

Natural News will inform you that PREVENTABLE means organic, raw, whole food, juicing vegetables, and making fruit and superfood smoothies. Natural News has investigative reporters working with Nutritionists who read the real news and other natural, alternative news and put it all together for the seven million visitors monthly at the largest health news website in the world.

Do you know about hemp seed oil curing stage 4 cancer? I can’t “say it,” but do you want to hear it from a doctor’s mouth. Here you go:

Yes, miracles do happen, and so do smart food decisions every day

Consider this first before we get to the positive stuff. Television mostly advertises junk science, which is food that is void of nutrition due to processing, baking, broiling, frying, barbecuing, and due to chemicals used to treat meat, milk, gluten and spices. Most ads on TV happen because those food, drink and personal care products manufacturers sell cheap and toxic nightmares to the unknowing public. The FDA and CDC are not looking out for these people. The FDA and CDC were created as criminal rackets, like corporations, to sell chemical foods and chemical drugs for profits, period. This is the script handed down to TV, the bottom feeders, who eat like shrimp the waste product of Big Food, also known as GMO, pesticide-based fluoride water, and lab-made toxins that cover the symptoms of this poisoning process. Only an early, expensive and often painful dragged-out death is the toll for ignorance today about toxic food, toxic water and toxic medicine. You don’t have to wait for a miracle. The good news is you can make your own miracles, every day, by consuming only things organic. That goes for what goes in your mouth and on your skin, hair, face, nails, etc.

Never eat meat that’s been bleached and treated with ammonia. Not sure what meat we’re talking about? Here’s a full research article on it from Natural News. This article generated a wealth of social media shares:

“Most conventional “red” meat is bleached or ammonia-treated to kill the E. coli and then dyed back pink, like with hamburger and steak, to look attractive in the butcher’s window. They want to believe that the meat just shows up magically, without all the horrific processing and inhumane living quarters. Usually, there’s a picture or two over the meat section of some happy cows wandering the pasture, waiting to “help out” with the humans’ meat and milk “consumption problem.” But in actuality, it’s GMOs on top of GMOs, because these are the cows fed genetically modified corn meal and GM alfalfa to begin with.”

Health miracles happen every day, just not on TV. You see, TV isn’t going to tell you how to heal yourself, for that makes TV no money. If you buy organic raw fresh food and eat it, and you drink spring water – real spring water – daily, well then you become a success story, and everyone sees it, even if you never appear on television. The news is fake news, and focuses on failure, tragedy, sex and violence. That’s the “politics of dancing” like the song goes. Health miracles exist in your everyday choices, because your health miracle just keeps on going while you eat perfect, clean food.

Even restaurants like Panera and Chipotle are changing their menu to suit the health-minded crowd. McDonald’s is sinking fast, closing hundreds of stores. This is not just a sign of things to come, this is happening right now!

GMO and toxic food that contains bleach, pesticide and fluoride is all getting the boot!

Remember, “health care” means eating the right food, drinking the right drink and taking in superfoods, herbal remedies and natural cures. This is evolution at its best, right here.

Here’s some of the Health Ranger’s philosophy right from TruthWiki:

All humans and animals are conscious beings with a spirit and some degree of free will.”

“Consciousness is the underlying unifying force of the universe, and all living systems are connected.”



The “Mutated Wheat Invasion” has struck America

superbug planet

The Mass Media absolutely will not cover this latest atrocity. This is bigger than Oprah Winfrey talking smack about the polluted Meat Industry. This is bigger than finding out that of the 4 “Food Groups,” 3 cause cancer. Imagine, wheat which has a mutated gene which tells the human body NOT to detoxify itself. People, if you read up on this, you will understand that GMO WHEAT contains a gene “silencer,” like a silencer on a gun, when you get “shot” nobody even hears it, sees smoke, or smells gun powder, no, with this silencer, your body’s “pathway” for cleansing is erased, so say goodbye to “whole wheat” and “whole grains” and 7 grains and whatever they call it next, and find organic food, fast. This is worldwide alarming news on Wheat, and TV news may bring up the topic briefly, just to touch on it, so you won’t be so alarmed, and they will find reason that you should just dismiss it, like last weeks news, and like tomorrows new health catastrophes.

Natural News reports: “Japan has tentatively cancelled all wheat imports from the U.S. due to contamination concerns, while China, South Korea, the Philippines and the entire European Union (EU) are monitoring the situation closely to see how it develops.”

America pushes grains and fiber on EVERYBODY like it’s the golden health food. Whole grain bread and whole grain cereal, right? Woohoo. Hey, I’m going to clean my system right out! Then people with IBS, Crohn’s, other inflammatory disorders, they just can’t figure out what’s wrong, and neither can their “doctors” (MDs). Can’t do the math, but take two pills of pesticide and two of herbicide and I bet you’ll be able to figure out why you’re sick. Take two pills you spray with fungicide and insecticide, like some bug spray or some weed killer, and then wonder why your food and stress are making you sick. Talk to the doctor about stress, not the RoundUp you sprayed on your pills or on your dinner plate (hint: corn, soy, canola and msg). Tell you MD quack about the whole grain bread and the whole grain pasta that has a wheat gene silencer in it, and see if he/she knows what you’re talking about, or “WANTS” to talk about something else. Tell your doctor about GMO food, like msg, sorbitol, sucralose and aspartame, because you might even find it in the medicine he/she prescribed for you, for your IBS – to take on an empty stomach! MD’s won’t talk about GMO. They dismiss it. They are afraid to discuss Monsanto and AquaAdvantage. The AMA might come take their license away and ruin those 8 years of research that had nothing to do with Nutrition.

Are you taking something for regularity? Does it contain fiber or psyllium? Should you really be eating food that contains genes from insects, or pesticides which dissolve the insides of agricultural pests? Have you seen the pigs’ stomachs that consumed GMO? Have you seen the rats? Are YOU a rat? Do you want to feel like a sick dog all day, and end up getting prescribed chemo, more insecticide/pesticide for a disease you got from eating GMO pesticide? Do you think that will work?

Please, stay informed of the GM Mutated Wheat Invasion of America, and add it to the “biohazard” food list, like GM corn, soy, canola, beets, salmon, tilapia, and rest assured, there’s more to come. Natural News trackers keep you in touch with REAL health news and information.

Meat, milk, aspartame and MSG – 4 top killers in U.S.


What do people say when they hear about vegetarians, vegans and so called “health nuts?” One of the first questions people ask is “where do you get your protein?” Easy answer. Plant based food, which has more protein and is easy for the body to access, via amino acids. Therefore, there is no “middle man,” you know, that tough meat the body has to break down. Plus, most Americans do not eat organic meat, so therefore that beef, chicken, or pork is loaded with hormones, antibiotics, and probably those animals were fed GMO pesiticide laden feed, like sugar, alfalfa, and corn. This kind of protein is non digestible or usable, so whose getting protein now?

Lets move into milk problems now: The whole dairy industry is one big hoax in America, leading consumers into a calcium overload nightmare, adding in rBGH and rBST hormones they give cows, and lots of animal fat to clog the veins and arteries, and what have you got? Heart health problems, circulatory problems and calcium overload, which leads to calcium deposits and kidney and gall stones. No wonder America has the highest incidence of strokes and heart disease.

Then you have the two biggest food agent criminals known to mankind, MSG and aspartame. These are junk science food criminals, which screw up your CNS, your central nervous system, and they mess up your taste buds, so you won’t appreciate the natural taste of fruits and vegetables anymore. Ever notice if you eat artificially sweet or super salty foods, that the next few meals just don’t taste right, especially if they are organic or wholesome foods. Junk science has figured out how to hook people on fake food that tastes salty and super sweet, and that is destroying our insides, including our digestive tract and excretive system. Cleansing organs are overloaded, trying to filter our synthetic, health crippling food, and the end result is aches and pains which are just symptoms of disorder and the onset of diseases, preventable ones at that!

What’s the cure for junk science, the meat myth, the milk myth, the four food group myth, and all the other lies that America convinces consumers is “normal” living?

Study just a few links I have provided you from Natural News, where the Health Ranger and his team of Reporters, Journalists, Nutritionists, whistle-blowers, and insiders from the FDA, CDC, EPA and more are telling it like it is, so you will know how to heal your body, detoxify, and live a long, happy, fruitful way, where organic food tastes spectacular, and junk science is just a thing of the past. Don’t fall for the hoaxes! The natural news tracker is also on line, revealing all the myths that are out there and busting them to pieces! You need to know this. Its easy reading and worth your while. You will know where to get good food, how to filter out the chemicals, and learn the trade tricks for longevity. the Protein Myth!

Don’t Eat Cancer! How do you do that, you ask? You learn about all the chemicals in foods posing as food “agents”. Yes, there are undercover agents, spies, so to speak, in foods that want you sick and in need of Western Medicine chronic symptom cover up “care.” It’s all a ploy to take your money and NOT fix the problem.

Here are some important links for you to review:

Never ever eat artificial sweeteners. You see, they trick the body, because they taste sweet, so your system tries to ingest them and use them, then they get stuck in the liver, the pancreas, the kidneys, and so forth, and you get ill. This all planned by a crooked food industry and scientists who are paid to come up with “diet” stuff that makes you fatter! Yes, that’s right, the wrong diets make you put ON WEIGHT!

I love studying health and wellness. Let me share all this with you. Good luck on your venture and stay tuned to the Natural News tracker for more. Enjoy!

World is facing dire shortage of water

Water is the life saving drug and according to Natural News, people trust the wrong person or entities when it comes to its purity. To some, spring water is precious in order to keep health, where to others, it is a garbage bin to throw trash in order to save money on proper disposal. They are simply making money by destroying the environment. Because water is so very important in our lives, poisoning and pollution create hazardous impacts on the health of every single individual, not just a few. Not only health, but it affects mentally as well. It is vital to consume clear water in order to live a healthy life, even though thousands of people are deprived every day from such circumstances. It is now coming into the limelight that billions of people are affected with impure water. Therefore, it is the duty of every citizen to take adequate care when it comes to drinking water.
For detailed information, log onto
As per Natural News, water is precious in every way when compared with oil, gold and even other expensive materials. But now, scientists are warning that fresh water is becoming so scarce that it is time for the government to take adequate measures, before the level of fresh water runs out entirely. The reasons behind impurity of water are changes in climate, over use of natural and manmade resources, and last but not the least, pollution. This research was done by 500 scientists. According to Guardian, the British newspaper, it was reported by experts that the water system of the world will soon reach a certain point when irreversible changes with catastrophic consequences will take place.
For more information, log onto
There are various ways through which one can preserve water and other food products in order to save both the health and environment. There are different organic products available in the Natural News store like Pink Himalayan Salt, Golden Flax and more, at cost effective ranges.
Log onto, for more information

Largest Government intelligence leak in history! Guardian and Natural News have coverage of NSA whistleblower


Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA blows the whistle 3 days after massive lies broke as the cover up. The world knows what’s happening to privacy and the Bill of Rights now! InfoWars and Mike Adams were RIGHT and have been RIGHT for 3 years. Social Media is a trap. Phone lines are all being tapped. Emails and Gmails and chats are all “live” in the devil’s playground. Heck, government officials could be watching you through your own computer right now. How deep does it go. How will the Democrats smear the Republicans in the next election on those “3rd” party ads of which they claim they “have no control over the content?”

Which Senators and Representatives are calling prostitutes on their vacations and hiding it from their families? Will they not be able to run for office anymore? I guess what happens in Vegas stays in DC, live on their teleprompters, via some Twitter and Chat room pay per view. They can now mix those medical records the IRS is collecting with those secret skype chats and put that next to the weapons list, including unregistered ones that have lots of bullets and shoot real fast, and they can hire some hot shot Atlanta marketing firm to design the next campaign for “Real change you can trust!”

Natural News has the inside look at politics and rights of privacy gone completely awry in America, and it’s only going to get more interesting from here out, folks:

Finally, a victory for Alternative Media over Mainstream Media liars world!
NSA routinely lies to Congress:
“Snowden also went on the record with some Q&A with Glenn Greenwald. This exchange is published by The Guardian and it reveals yet more astonishing information — EXPLOSIVE information that makes Watergate look like a Boy Scout field trip.” This published in the Guardian: Snowden said: “The extent of their capabilities is horrifying. We can plant bugs in machines. Once you go on the network, I can identify your machine. You will never be safe whatever protections you put in place.”

Learn more:

What “happens in Vegas” is owned by the U.S. Government: Who is opposing the Administration now? Do you have illegal guns in your house? Do you have a gun that’s registered, but you posted some Anti-War stuff on Facebook? Do you grow organic food and tell people it heals the human body? You could be at risk for piracy and breaking AMA regulations. Have you ever visited the doctor for depression, or taken meds for anxiety? You could be swooped up by FEMA soon and taken away. You better delete your social media sites and move to Australia or something. Wait, you can’t delete anything you’ve done, it’s all on record, in cyber “boxes” owned by the “Man” himself, Uncle Sam. Every phone call and every hash tag, buddy, is on record forever.

Do you want to run for office now, or be on the DHS task force that holds back the rebellion? If you’re not sure which side you’re on, you’re listening to the wrong news, so turn off the TV and set down your beloved Newspaper, and get the Natural News, where Mike Adams and InfoWars are showing everyone not just this WORLD WIDE INFO LEAK, but showing you a pattern of corruption that infiltrates food, water, medicine, taxes, fake wars, and more. Knowledge is power:

The healthcare industry continues to fool people regarding cancer

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Cancer has become one of the most dreaded as well as widespread diseases in the United States, and the contribution of the healthcare industry in making cancer so much more prevalent can hardly be denied. According to Natural News it is very hard for doctors to give up the comfort of the annual income of $400,000 and all the luxuries that such a huge income brings along. Hence, doctors are rarely concerned about the real treatment of cancer, only thing they are concerned about is which lab made medicine will they prescribe next, and what operation or radiation follows their “suit.”

On top of all of that, it is often said that cancer is mostly a hereditary disease, but it has become clear that this concept is nothing but a complete hoax. Know more on this at .

According to the latest report published by Stanford Medicine, cancer is NOT a genetic disease in most of the cases. Only a small part of cancer patients are reported to have inherited the disease. The report clearly states that in most of the cases cancer is caused by or due to unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking and consuming foods with poor nutritional content. Cancer may be called a genetic disease as it occurs in genes but in no way does that automatically make it hereditary occurrence.

“In fact, even the most popular cancers, like breast cancer and prostate, only account for about 5% hereditary, so the all the statistics are inverted by the twisted sick Western Medicine World of cut and burn archaic methodology.”

However, the food and beverage industry as well as the healthcare industry never seem to highlight this simple fact as such a measure would hamper their business. Read the report at .

So, how to cleanse your body of the toxic materials that you have already assimilated? Natural News offers several tinctures that would help you build a sound immunity against diseases. All these products are manufactured with natural ingredients and are completely devoid of any toxic chemical. You can also obtain these tinctures at a discounted price at .

Teenage smokers find refuge in organic food, a little exercise, and common sense approach to quitting smoking

14AndOut Kindle Cover

share a cig
It may sound too easy, because cigarettes are nearly as addictive as cocaine and heroin, but exercise and organic food can change your life on a dime. Have you ever switched gears in a car and just stepped on the gas and accelerated from 20 to 50 mph in a few seconds? Have you ever had a moment of enlightenment where you just knew exactly what you wanted out of life, or out of that time period in your life? What if that time is right now, while you are reading this? If you smoke cigarettes, even just 2 or 3 a day, you are being dragged down, like in an undertow in the ocean, and you could drown in disease and dysfunction. Right now is the time to get moving, get smart, get free of the nicotine grip and shift gears! This is your moment of enlightenment, telling you about a better life you can lead, a great one, free of chemicals that impede your abilities, your thoughts, your potential in life. This is that moment, where you decide to become the organic being you were when you were brought into this world.

Natural News and Mike Adams are sharing vital information all smokers should know about, so they can make that great change, that shift in ritual and in behavior that makes ALL the difference. It’s time to read about exercise, superfoods and a program called 14AndOut. Here are the enlightenment links:

The raw, organic, vegan diet, for example, has helped individuals to quit in a casual, natural way

Study shows that a bit of exercise can curb the smoking habit:
“All of the teens increased their amount of daily physical activity just by being in the study. Those who increased the number of days in which they did at least 20 minutes of exercise — equivalent to a short walk — significantly reduced the number of cigarettes they smoked.”

Organic vitamins, supplements, Superfoods and Mucuna Herb may be the best kept secret of quitting smoking, ever! Check out what the Health Ranger and the Stop Smoking King have to offer you via video download. It’s called 14AndOut, and teaches smokers how to quit naturally in 14 days or less, whether you’re 16 years old or 60, whether you smoke 8 cigarettes a day or 20, or even 2 packs a day, you can quit!


14AndOut is a Natural News Exclusive Empowerment Program. The All Natural Method with a 90% Success Rate Celebrating 20 months of success:

Testimonials pouring in! Quit cigarettes right now:

Welcome to the non-smoker family sharing how they quit using Natural Methods.

Migraines can worsen upon consuming artificial sweeteners

headache from MSG (2)

A lot of people all over the world suffer from migraines. It is a neurological disorder that affects more women than men. The headache that it inflicts upon a person becomes unbearable at times. Natural News reports that the FDA is likely to allow the covert use of artificial sweeteners like aspartame in milk and other dairy products. This would only worsen the situation of those who suffer from migraines because consumption of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners can make the migraine problem more complicated and can even give rise to deadly diseases like brain tumors and depression. It is reported that the dairy industry has submitted a petition to the FDA requesting it to allow aspartame in dairy products as per the news article posted here:

YOUTUBE: Have you heard of “Sweet Misery”? It’s a must see. Explore the issue of aspartame toxicity in a documentary that implores viewers to consider the potentially damaging effects of the common food additive. A sugar substitute that is found in NutraSweet and many common diet drinks, aspartame is alleged to cause toxic reactions in the human body that can result in a wide variety of physical and mental ailments. A potentially deadly phenomenon.

Migraines treated through a natural remedial process!

Migraines can be treated effectively through natural processes. According to a report published by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, almost 25 percent of the total number of U.S. households has one or more migraine sufferers in the family. Though migraines are generally ADDRESSED WITH prescription drugs, it is better to use some natural remedies as a method of treatment. Avoid synthetic medicine of any kind. If it’s not found in nature, then the quacks must have made it in a lab. Do a lot of research on this:

Tracking the Health Ranger pays off; say goodbye to migraines naturally:


Natural remedies for migraines include the use of herbs and therapies that have been used for centuries to treat similar problems. With the help of herbs like Feverfew and Butterbur extract, it is possible to prevent migraines. Feverfew helps in making the blood vessels expand thus preventing a congestion in the vessels that is the main cause of migraine. Butterbur extracts can significantly reduce the frequency of migraine attacks along with the severity of those attacks to a large extent.

Natural is Better! 12 Varieties of Medicinal Herbs offered:

Hydrotherapy; learn more now:

Arthritis sufferers: learn more:
Tai Chi and hydrotherapy shown to significantly help arthritis sufferers
Follow Natural News on Tai Chi:

In therapies, Hydrotherapy is regarded as one of the most effective ways of treating migraines. In contrast, the patient needs to stand alternately in hot and cold water for 20 minutes within a span of two minutes in each type of water. This helps organs acquire nutrients and get rid of toxins, reports Natural News.

Read what other great blogs have to say about migraines and food and environment criminals that cause them:

NATURAL NEWS TRACKER: Tracking Mike Adams and the truth about organic food:


Mike Adams recommends natural weight loss!


Obesity has become a huge problem nowadays. A lot of people are suffering from obesity. Obesity is not only a problem in itself but paves the way for several diseases as well. So it has become important to fight obesity effectively.

beach runner

There are many ways that effectively cut down body weight. If you are gaining more than normal body weight, you can make use of these strategies to put a halt to your problem.

Some effective strategies to have desired body weight:

Mike Adams suggests using the weight loss supplement called the Slimirex. This is prepared by Global Healing Center that emphasizes on natural methods of healing rather than conventional methods. Ed Group of GHC is obsessed with the quality of his products and hardly compromises with their potency. If any herb fails to yield the desired result, he halts the production of the whole formula for fear of producing an inferior product. The products of GHC are based on plant extracts which are quite well known for their effectiveness in reducing body weight. The main ingredients of Slimirex are gymnema, hoodia gordonii, damiana, uva ursi, iodine, fennel seed, kelp, green coffee bean and bergamot.


If you want to seriously reduce your weight, you have to avoid getting entangled in one of the many scams of the weight loss industry. Many pills are marketed claiming that they are capable of reducing the body fat within a few days. Most of these pills contain harmful chemicals and do more harm than good. Natural News has already exposed more than one such scam.


Weight loss supplements do not work without vitamin D. So take sufficient amounts of vitamin D to get the best possible results from weight loss supplements. You need to consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables and totally abjure sodas. Proper exercise is an effective method of losing body weight. So, do not forget to exercise daily in order to lose weight fast.