Success Rates for twelve “Quit Smoking” methods compared – from worst to BEST!

big boy smokes

Some smokers need no help quitting, but you’ll be surprised just how few succeed that way. Sure, you’ve heard the stories, but did they really just QUIT, or did something traumatic happen to them they’re not talking about, or maybe they changed friends, jobs, eating habits, quit traveling, ended something stressful, or received some kind of help and just don’t remember or aren’t admitting it? Maybe we’ll never know, but it doesn’t matter. Do you want to quit smoking right now? We know you do. So why waste any time at all buying gimmicks, scams, or “raving” cessation methods that fail most people? Hey, if it’s advertised on TV, it’s probably a scam and worthless. Keep reading.

Today, we at StopSmoking.News have compiled some statistics we thought you might be interested in reviewing, and then making an informed decision about how to stop smoking FOR GOOD, not just for a week, a month, or six months. Let’s not waste another second:

Cessation Method Rates from Worst to Best:

Coming in last at #12:


Nicotine Gum


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: less than 1%


The gum is pretty much as scam. If it does work, it works as a placebo and the smoker mentally believes that this tiny ritual is helping somehow. Good luck with all of that.



#11: CDC Scary Commercials


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: less than 4%


The CDC scary commercials and advertisements campaign about the dangers of smoking cigarettes only yields a 6% success rate at getting people to quit smoking, plus, half of them go back to smoking after quitting for just 6 months. That leaves three percent success. That’s absolutely dismal! Then on the CDC website, of course, they’re going to lead you to an MD who will prescribe medications; however, Chantix and Zyban “cessation” medications have side effects that include depression, thoughts of suicide and suicide. As if smoking 7,000 chemicals per day per cigarette wasn’t bad enough. Only a rare few can brag about chemical medications working for them. That’s scary. Combining bad food with bad medicine and putting chemicals on your skin all add up to a toxic body that’s SCARED TO HEAL.



#10: Nicotine Patch


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: about 4-5%


What if 91 of 100 quitters relying exclusively upon the over-the-counter (OTC) nicotine patch to help them quit were failing and relapsing within 24 weeks of slapping on that first patch?  What if 98 or 99 out of 100 of those relying exclusively upon the OTC nicotine patch for a second or subsequent quitting attempt were smoking again within 24 weeks?  What if, in truth, your chances of quitting on your own were greater than if quitting with the patch?  What if the few who are quitting while wearing the patch are doing so in spite of it, instead of because of it?”


Check out more of what “Why Quit” and Jon Polito has to say about the miserable success rates and the overall scam of the nicotine patch.



#9: Cold Turkey


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 5%


You hear the stories – and congratulations. The only problem is that cold-turkey cessation method fails 95% of those who try it. Why? Most people need some kind of advice about nutrition and behavior modification to escape the first fourteen days or so. Then, if they escape those, once stress creeps in or hits like a tidal wave, within six months, the person retreats back to cancer sticks, it’s just a sad statistic. Smokers need a guide to quit, a coach, who’s been there and knows how to communicate. The “Stop Smoking King” in online blogging constantly about this. Google him.


#8: Medications: Chantix or Zyban

Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 7%


“Understanding why suicide is a side effect of smoking cessation pills is of ultimate importance to smokers considering taking the drug. Several lawsuits have been filed because the manufacturers of these pills do not provide ample warning. Smoking cessation pills simply make anxiety and depression worse. Chantix blocks nicotine receptor sites in the brain in order to reduce nicotine cravings, but in that process, naturally occurring dopamine and serotonin are blocked, creating dangerous and nearly intolerable side effects.” – SD Wells; Natural Health News Reporter


#7: Acupuncture


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 8%


“Using a combination of therapies like hypnosis, acupuncture and pharmaceutical approaches to address the mental, emotional and physiological aspect of the addiction oftentimes yields the best results. Ultimately, tobacco addiction is a personal one, as is the journey to kicking the habit. It does not matter what road is taken, but that you reach your final destination of being tobacco-free!!” – Jamie Starkey; lead acupuncturist at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine



#6: Hypnotherapy


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 10%


“Another popular treatment for people who wish to stop smoking is hypnosis. Hypnosis is meant to work by strengthening your will power. It does this by repeating over and over again that you don’t want to and don’t need to smoke. This is all done while the patient is in a relaxed hypnotic state making the subconscious more open to outside suggestion.”



#5: Traumatic Event (cancer death in the family or their own cancer tumor detected)


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 20%



#4: Planning to have a Child


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 50%


Picture a pregnant woman taking a long drag from a cigarette and you may picture a premature baby with a low birth weight, fighting for its first breath – but what most of us don’t picture is an aggressive child. However, new evidence points to smoking during pregnancy as a cause for aggression in children, says a study from the University of Montreal published in the journal Development and Psychopathology.



#3: Surgery – upcoming medical work requires quitting smoking (physician advice)


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 65%


“Quitting smoking one or two months before planned surgery can significantly lower the risk of complications like poor wound healing. Counseling combined with nicotine replacement therapy can help you quit smoking. “

“There are thought to be several reasons why smoking could affect recovery from surgery. When you smoke, your blood absorbs carbon monoxide and nicotine, and your blood oxygen levels fall. Oxygen is essential to help wounds heal. Also, nicotine makes the heart work harder, partly because it increases blood pressure and heart rate. Since anesthetics and surgery already affect the circulatory and make it harder for oxygen to be supplied, the risks can be much higher for people who smoke. Quitting smoking even right before surgery can increase the amount of oxygen in the body. After 24 hours without smoking, nicotine and carbon monoxide are already gradually being broken down in the blood. Lung function starts improving after about two smoke-free months.”

#2: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) (vaping) – Although e-cigs were not even invented to be a cessation method …


Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: 30% or greater


“The primary finding of an online survey was that the six-month point prevalence of smoking abstinence among the e-cigarette users in the survey sample was 31.0% (95% CI=24.8%, 37.2%). A large percentage of respondents reported a reduction in the number of cigarettes they smoked (66.8%) and almost half reported abstinence from smoking for a period of time (48.8%). Those respondents using e-cigarettes more than 20 times per day had a quit rate of 70.0%. Of respondents who were not smoking at six months, 34.3% were not using e-cigarettes or any nicotine-containing products at the time.”

#1: The Natural Method recommended by leading Nutritionists, Naturopaths and Doctors: “14AndOut–Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days

 beach girls

Success rate for getting smokers to quit cigarettes permanently: Over 90%


To date, no other cessation method comes close to the success of combining chemical knowledge, behavior modification and nutrition guidance, all in one 60-minute video course. Testimonials pour in from new non-smokers who follow the step-by-step “yellow brick road” to health freedom and a smoke-free life. The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, recommends this natural method over all other cessation methods available, and hosts the trailer/preview to the course HERE. Check it out. The Natural Method 14AndOut gives you the greatest odds possible for succeeding. Now there’s something to be said for that!

Special Thanks to David Wolfe, world leading nutritionist and best-selling author who helps 14AndOut succeed:

Which “Quit Method” Will You Try?


One hour instructional video preview of Natural Method:


14AndOut (Natural Method) Testimonials:

  • “The best description of your program is: The BEST one out there that actually works.” – Azin 6/16/2014
  • “Awesome program, I used tobacco for 10 years and was able to quit with your help. I greatly appreciate your service and recommend it to everyone. I hope for more people to use your program and turn this world around! Sincerely, Todd”
  • “I bought it for educational purposes for a school district. The only message anyone ever hears is the patch and chantix. So, I felt it was my duty to inform of other methods without side effects. One thing to say … glad you put together the materials, well done.” – Julie
  • “Hi, I’m doing great ! Thank you. Yes I have quit smoking and feel pretty darn good about it !! I did watch the whole video, but did not do the hands on activities. I had already started a nutritional program including juicing and trying to go 100% organic. The best thing about 14AndOut was the knowledge it provided me with. That in turn completely changed my mind on how I felt about smoking and gave me the power to quit. Thanks a million!” Cathy
  • We have purchased and watched your 14andout video, and purchased the mucuna supplement. Love your video, SO informative! Just want to be done with the whole cigarette thing. (Your video grossed me out – I can’t believe we put that nasty stuff in our bodies) – Thank you for your time in advance.” – Scott & Jennifer
  • “Thanks for making such a great course. It was presented in such a way that is really easy for me to digest and the information definitely resonated with me. It is the missing link in my knowledge about smoking and how to quit and explains why I have failed in the past.” – Brendan
  • “This instructional video is fantastic. I tried e-cigs and the patch and kept going back to smoking. Give this a shot! I smoked a pack a day for 15 years and quit after watching this.” – anonymous


Additional sources for this article include:

Once a dangerous drug (or food chemical) is approved in the USA, it is never recalled unless lawsuits cost more than the profits

money drugs 4

When a new drug starts getting popular and dished out by doctors like candy, it can be found in the medicine cabinets of 50 million to 100 million people internationally within just a few years. Anti-inflammatory drugs especially, because America is the home of inflammation, and some people simply can’t handle the pain, so instead of switching their diet away from junk science, they run to the doctor for anti-inflammatory chemical made temporary alleviation of inflammation pain. They ask for stuff like Vioxx, not knowing the horror story that’s tied to it. And though it was recalled, you won’t believe the damage it was still able to do to the unknowing, non-researched allopathic world of drugged-up victims. Now, this isn’t just a Vioxx story, but Vioxx serves as the epitome of how most pharma and FDA run products go down, and this parlays over into toxins allowed in our food that also lead to chronic inflammation, depleted immunity, heart attacks and strokes.

money drugs

Vioxx – Prescription Pain and Heart Killer

Vioxx is a prescription pain killer approved by the FDA way back in 1999. Mired in scandal, Merck (the manufacturer) was accused of misleading doctors AND patients about its safety by fabricating study results. They even skirted federal drug regulations and fooled an FDA scientist to hide the problems. By 2004 they had to pull the drug from market after a new study revealed it more than DOUBLED risk of heart attacks and death. Too late. Thirty eight thousand deaths were related and twenty five million Americans had already been prescribed. Vioxx may just be the worst drug disaster in history. It’s kind of like mercury and aspartame, but we’ll get to those in just a bit.

The Vioxx scandal was so huge it revealed the core of FDA fraud. Alternative media suspects that the New Jersey-based Merck and the FDA worked together to keep the drug on the market while hiding health detriment concerns. This ran deep. Merck bragged to the FDA first about patients expected to have less gastrointestinal issues with Vioxx in a pre-study press release, but that testing also revealed the increased risk of heart problems. This was a “double-edged” sword for Merck, but the FDA moved forward advertising that Vioxx was safer on the stomach. By 2001, the FDA flip-flopped on label requirements for Vioxx. It wasn’t until 2002 that the label even BEGAN to include ANY information about heart and stroke risk. What a wonderful relationship the drug companies have with the FDA. So heartwarming! (extreme sarcasm). Wait, it gets better.

Top FDA Scientist Dr. David Graham was the Whistleblower on Vioxx Dangers

The New England Journal of Medicine did not include key information in their “Vigor” trail results published because Merck scientists purposely left out file info regarding heart patients. The editor of the Journal was furious when he found out.

The Vioxx Scandel and Fatalities from Heart Attacks

Merck’s Vioxx scandal widened even after it was pulled from market. Imagine that. Mike Adams covered it on Natural News:

“The Vioxx scandal widened this week as new research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reveals that Vioxx maker Merck held data for three years that proved Vioxx caused an alarming increase in the risk of heart attacks and strokes. And yet Merck chose not to release that data. In fact, it took three more years of patients dying from heart attacks before Vioxx was pulled off the market, and even then, Merck insisted the drug was not dangerous.”

Advisory panels in US and Canada voted in 2005 for Vioxx to return to market under “certain restrictions.” (

The Merck conspiracy that killed 40,000 people

You see, this will be “memory holed” soon, meaning the documents and any mainstream media coverage will be erased, stricken from the record, as Google, Wikipedia and WebMd try to change the history books to suit Big Pharma and Big Food’s storyline. The good news is that websites like Natural News are taking screen shots of proof from their own sites sometimes, and court documents and the like, and the true history of medicine and food manufacturing is being properly re-recorded, without all the propaganda and memory holes. The Merck conspiracy to maximize profits by selling a drug they knew was killing people is of the worst kind, yet STILL, the drug went on doing damage even after the recall. Plus, it was later found out that the heart risks associated with Vioxx started much earlier than claimed. This “correction” was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Check this out from 2006 …

“Editors at the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) have published a correction to previous research on Merck’s painkiller Vioxx. The correction reveals that the heart risks associated with the drug begin much earlier than Merck previously claimed.”

onward to food chemicals ….

Aspartame = 75% of complaints to FDA about detrimental food additive side-effects

S.D. Wells covered this on Natural News back in 2011:

“Over a billion people consume aspartame in their foods and beverages across the world, believing it to be a safe ingredient, but what they probably don’t know is that aspartame currently accounts for over 75% of all side effects complaints received by the FDA’s Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS) for the past 4 years. It is banned by health-conscious countries all over the world, especially where there is a national healthcare system in place.”

Aspartame responsible for 75% of complaints to FDA about food additive side-effects but it’s never even been considered for recall or removal from thousands of food, candy, gum, diet soda and diet foods across the world. If you don’t look out for aspartame, you’re really a haphazard shopper and eater. Known by brand names like Equal, Sweet One, Spoonful and NutraSweet, this chemical combo contains 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid, and 10% methanol. Guess which ones mix together, heat up, and turn to formaldehyde in your body? They put it in children’s cough syrups and OTC cold, fever and headache meds, ya’ know. Nearly all gum and candy contain either toxic GMO corn syrup or nerve-disrupting aspartame.

How many Americans are experiencing Artificial Sweetener Disease right now?

Aspartame causes inflammation of the brain, central nervous system disruption and general anxiety. Should you “ask your doctor” for the latest version of Vioxx to quell the symptoms? Is Vioxx still recalled, or back on the market – do you even know? Currently, ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER DISEASE is sweeping across America, affecting millions of consumers. For the first few days, weeks, even months of consuming aspartame, most people can’t seem to pinpoint why their anxiety, depression, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups and ringing in the ears is coming from. They blame their staple food, which is often a contributor, like GM corn and soy. They blame their water or lack thereof, when it’s usually tap water laced with fluoride which does cause dehydration and inflammation. They’ve probably heard rumors about aspartame, but they’re just not seeing “research” on it in “‘peer reviewed” science or health articles, or on their beloved WebMD (chock full of hoaxes, by the way).

Did you know that the Gulf War Syndrome was mainly allergic reactions to formaldehyde ingestion in the form of diet sodas? Oh yes, it was. I personally know one of the scientists who did the research on aspartame for the Dept of Defense and he had to bury the report (it just never got published basically). It was NOT a coincidence that the heat of the Afghanistan (up to 120 degrees) lead to serious health repercussions for the military consuming diet sodas all day that contain aspartame, and still do to this day. You know they pulled diet soda from the military’s choices after that, for good. Oh, but it’s still in thousands of products for proud patriots! Remember to salute your military when you see them, and congratulate them for not drinking diet soda, because they care about their health, and so does the US government.

BT Corn – Proven to Cause Cancer in Animals but NEVER recalled, banned or even labeled in US

Superbugs (not the bacteria kind) are one of the biggest problems on the planet right now, but you won’t hear about it on TV or read it in the “bloody” newspaper. Crop pests across the world, but especially in the US, have developed resistance to GMO Bt corn, leaving farmers locked into Monsanto contracts that guarantee higher costs and lower yields, which will only get worse with time. This leads many farmers to go bankrupt, after already being in debt to Biotech giants for land loans, equipment loans, seed loans and debt up to their eyeballs, with no way to beat back the new, business-killing superpests called rootworm beetles.

What’s worse is that you can’t ever remove them! The are mixing in nature and dominating crop fields. Even worse than that is that Bt corn causes cancer in animals – – test after independent test reveals.

“Agricultural GMOs are loaded with pesticides. Three-quarters of all GMOs contain large amounts of Roundup, the main pesticide in the world, designed to kill weeds. These plants have been genetically modified for this, such as Roundup tolerant soybean and corn. The GM provides in this case the possibility to apply Roundup, whenever and as much as you want, because the plant will tolerate it. If one gives such a large dose of pesticides to a normal plant, it dies. Gmos facilitate intensive farming methods.”

“They [GMOs] make animals seriously ill”

Genetically modified crop science continues to fail all over the world

Brazil is also currently being overwhelmed by tropical superbugs. The goal of the Bt Corn seed was to infuse a certain insecticide that would explode the bug’s stomachs. Never mind about humans eating it or running any kind of safety tests of this nature. Never mind recalling all Bt Corn when Seralini proved it causes cancer tumors in rats, which are animals just like humans. Plus, now the farmer’s of Bt Corn have to spray up to TEN TIMES the amount of insecticide on the plants to beat back enough bugs to keep their farm and put food on their own table. (We sure do hope they’re not eating what they farm!) This same problem became overwhelming in the US Midwest, especially in Iowa in early 2014 where rootworms began taking over the crops, forcing excessive pesticide use. Farmers of the BIG CORN STATES watched in dismay as their “bug proofed” Monsanto Frankencorn was consumed by Frankenbugs they just couldn’t kill. Oops. Sorry about your luck GMO!

Currently, NINETY PERCENT of our nation’s corn and soy crop are genetically modified, if not more.

SD Wells covered this on Natural News in Fall of 2011

Monsanto is too big to recall anything, ever. They basically run the FDA. Though profit margins are shrinking fast on many GM products, cancer statistics are going through the roof, and you can bet huge companies like Monsanto don’t just invest in cancer food, but also cancer chemical treatments like chemo. According to the Journal of Pesticide Reform , Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate can cause heart palpitations. Are you on a heart medications? Are you taking Vioxx or anything like it while eating GMO corn? You better call a Naturopathic Physician quick! Did you know that a 1998 study on mice concluded that Roundup is able to cause genetic damage. A 2011 report by Earth Open Source asserts that glyphosate has caused birth defects in laboratory animals. So, should humans really be eating fruits and vegetables that genetically contain this pesticide? Now they’re about to add USDA approved 2,4-D to food crops, which is comprised of 50% of the ingredients found in Agent Orange, the deadly vegetation “burner” used in Vietnam that sent thousands of US soldiers home with deadly cancer. Still, instead of banning these chemicals from our food supply, the FDA, USDA and CDC are adding them to the food supply, not to mention mercury and formaldehyde in vaccines. Have you received a flu shot in the past few years? Did you know it contains MSG and aluminum? You could be injecting Alzheimer’s directly into your muscle tissue because there’s been no RECALL on deadly drugs put in vaccines.

And NOW for the …

TOP TEN most horrific FDA drug recalls ever!

  (FDA’s motto is “Money first, recalls later”)

The FDA only recalls dangerous drugs after the pharmaceutical company which manufactured them has made enough money to settle lawsuits and still record massive profits. This has been the story for decades. Nearly every drug available in the United States is a result of this kind of cost-benefit analysis, where the FDA has weighed out the pros and cons, knowing the money is there to be made. Any company who cannot afford to payoff the FDA for drug approval suffers the same fate. The drug is either rejected or the benefits are labeled with a warning reading, “This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA.” This means the FDA is not going to spend even one minute of time reviewing anything that doesn’t bring in millions of dollars.

Number 1: Vioxx (Rofecoxib). Made by Merck and recalled in 2004 after 5 years on the market, this anti-inflammatory pain pill caused tens of thousands of deaths. Dr. David Graham, a whistleblower, testified before the U.S. Senate in 2002, revealing data indicating over 100,000 Americans experienced heart attacks as a side effect from the drug and up to 40% of those patients died.

2. Phentermine: Fenfluramine/phentermine (Fen-Phen). Recalled in 1997 after 24 years on the market, this weight loss drug comes in a little blue and white pill that wreaks havoc on your insides while you “get skinny.” It works so well, many skinny folk find themselves 6 feet under. Much like Ritalin, it suppresses appetite while inducing hallucinations, seizures, irregular heartbeat, blurred vision and vomiting. Still readily available on the internet, the terror drug found a loophole for sales since the banning of its prescription doesn’t apply to overseas pharmacies that sell via the web.

3. Diethylstilbestrol (DES). Recalled in 1975 after 37 years on the market, this toxic, synthetic form of estrogen prescribed to prevent miscarriages helps women develop cancer of the uterus by targeting and breaking down the immune system.

4. Cerivastatin (Baycol). Recalled in 2001 after 4 years on the market, this statin drug depletes Co-Q10, a nutrient which supports muscle function, causing rhabdomyolysis, a tearing down of muscle tissue which gets distributed into the bloodstream and can be lethal.

5. Valdecoxib (Bextra). Manufactured by Pfizer and recalled in 2005 after 1 year, this pain reliever disturbs normal heart rhythms, increasing risks of heart attacks and also kidney infections.

6. Troglitazone (Rezulin). Recalled in 2000 after 1 year, this widely prescribed drug for diabetics exhibits severe liver toxicity. The FDA was made aware of Rezulin’s liver damaging effects as early as 1997, but it wasn’t pulled off the market for three more years, and only then after repeated calls by industry watchdogs.

7. Able Laboratories Generic Prescription Drugs (Able Labs). A 2005 nationwide recall of all drugs manufactured by Able Laboratories became public only because of serious concerns regarding quality assurance standards. Able Laboratories pocketed over $100 million in sales before the recall.

8. Terfenadine (Seldane). Made by Hoechst (now Aventis), this massive moneymaker was recalled in 1997 after 13 years on the market. A popular non-drowsy antihistamine for allergies made $440 million the year before it was pulled due to thousands of cases of cardiac arrhythmia. The bastard child of the drug was Allegra, which has a horror story of its own.

9. Phenylpropanolamine (PPA). This psychoactive drug put in many cold remedies and nasal decongestants was recalled in 2000 after 60 years on market. It has been linked to hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in the brain), especially among women ages 18-49 in just three days after beginning use. Older medicines may still contain it.

10. Mibefradil (Posicor). Made by Roche and recalled in 1998 after one year, Mibefradil is a calcium-channel blocker, the most widely prescribed class of medications in this country. It features an increased risk of angina, heart attacks and strokes. The top 10 United States pharmaceutical companies spend the majority of their money on advertising, and only about 15% on average on research and “safety” testing. The CEO’s of these companies rank in the top 50 highest-paid persons in the country, averaging about 15 billion dollars a year with up to 5 times that much in stock options.

You can’t trust peer reviewed science

You can’t even trust peer reviewed science anymore. There’s just no more checks and balances in food and medicine. Everybody allopathic and biotech are paid to say what they need to say to sell, sell, sell.

It’s the same reason why mercury and formaldehyde are still in vaccines. They know the dangers but they just don’t do safety research because health detriment is their business, not health.

And that’s why … once a dangerous drug or food chemical is approved in USA, it is never removed again unless lawsuits and settlements cost more than net profits from the sales.

This has been a public service message from the Natural News Tracker.

Fields of Toxic Corn from Sea to Shining Sea – What was the dream again?

gmo bio

Global remedy investigator reporting:

According to Natural News, recent documentaries show entire fields of genetically modified corn that all look plastic, with not a bug or bird in sight, not a butterfly or a gnat or a fly, but why? Did you know that a diet containing GM soy and maize fed to rats for just 90 days caused a wide range of toxic effects, including DNA damage, blood changes, and damage to the liver and kidneys? If you consume GMOs regularly, your gut is actually creating pesticide. You are consuming the genes of organisms that destroy the digestive tracts of beetles and worms.

corn gmo grenade

Currently, about 250,000,000 Americans are guinea pigs for the huge GMO experiment going on. America is one big laboratory, and GMO food is the ominous variable with untested outcomes for humans. It’s a scary long-term test that at least 80% of Americans undergo, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, every day. However, it’s worth noting that research revealed lab rat liver damage as early on as 30 days, and half the babies died in just three weeks! Are you eating GM corn and GM soy daily? How will YOU feel next month? How about your kids? There is research you should be aware of, and it’s from a VERY detailed study done in 2014.

dead fields

Also, according to a separate published study by the same team of researchers, GMO food may also have the ability to “reactivate dormant viruses, create new viruses, and cause cancer by causing over-expression of normal genes.” They describe the body ingesting fragments from the CaMV-35S “promoter” used in many GM crops. It shows up “incorporated” in the blood, liver and BRAIN TISSUES of experimental rats.

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the truth about the dirty politics regarding the voting over GMO food items in Oregon, one can easily log onto:

Do you know what you are eating and if it’s affecting your health? Read to know more!

Vaccines did very little to eradicate deadly diseases – but you have better options!


To those who think that vaccines are the elixir of life, Natural News has something else to say. According to the reputed news website, the mortality rates in most diseases started to decline long before their vaccines were introduced. This decline came as living conditions improved and people all over the world became more and more health conscious. Diseases like polio, measles, typhoid and tuberculosis started to infect fewer and fewer numbers of people from the last part of the 19th century, whereas their vaccines remained undiscovered till two decades into the 20th century.

Natural News reports that though deaths from most diseases started to decline long before the introduction of vaccines, there was a surge in the mortality rates after the vaccines were initially introduced. Diphtheria, for example, killed a large number of people just after the advent of its vaccine in 1920 though, earlier, there was a continuous decline in the number of deaths with diphtheria as a cause. But perhaps the best examples of diseases disappearing without vaccination are typhoid and Scarlet Fever. Most people in the world have never been vaccinated for these two fevers and yet these diseases have now become almost extinct.

Moreover, Natural News reveals that most of the chemicals used in modern medicines can adversely affect human health. The billion dollar pharmaceutical industry has always tried to suppress the fact that the former chairman of Bayer was found guilty of war crimes in the Nuremberg Trials that followed World War II.  Modern day pesticides used on crops consist of Zyklon B; that was Hitler’s main weapon to kill Jews in gas chambers and  most diseases can be prevented or cured with the use of minerals and without  resorting to modern medicines. The government also does not seem to be concerned about these facts as most of the time they are busy safeguarding the interest of the pharmaceutical companies.

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  • Other phytonutrients
  • A whopping 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C!!
  • ·  3 times more powerful than grape seed or pine bark extract


New Certified Organic Turmeric Formulatio​n

**Link to turmeric benefits:

I recommend you do not take the risk on low quality or synthetically processed forms of turmeric which are commonplace in the supplement market. Avoid fillers, synthetic ingredients, and Genetically Modified Organisms!

I love how the Natural News Store offers 100% money-back guarantee on products!

Get healthy and stay healthy!

New Certified Organic Turmeric Formulatio​n

Special announcement:

Get the best of both worlds here!

You get the best of both worlds here: Your purchase of Turmeric benefits your vital health and helps ensure GMO labeling and the overall mission to end GMOs as a whole.

Known under the brand name of ‘Natural Attitude’ to signify a new health revolution:

Natural Attitude Organic Turmeric Extract

Now available at the new Natural News Store:

Check it out! Follow Natural News. Get the truth.

Follow Natural News. Get the truth.

Be prepared for water poisoning, learn to thrive with Surthrival

Are you ready to tackle the water crisis that awaits you in the year 2013? What exactly have you planned? And, do you think they are enough to ensure a safe water supply for you and your family? Nothing you do (without scientific knowledge) will ever be enough, unless you have come across the brilliant theory proposed by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger for Natural News and learned how to Surthrive!

Understand and be saved:

Take the help of expert views and opinions given by him and go through the incredible research that has been done, revealing facts that have never been explored in this matter. Did you know that fatty acids are equally essential for the body and deficiency of such nutrients in the body can lead to improper body growth and development? And did you know that chia seeds are food products that can help you in accumulating enough fatty acids for your body?

Learn more about this at:

You know why all this is important? Because not just food; but even the water around you is poisoned thanks to all the fluoridation. If you haven’t yet come across all the wonderfully poisonous effects of fluoride, then you must take a look at this video:

Or listen to

And why is this discussion  coming up? Post-Superstorm “Sandy,” citizens of New York and New Jersey have had to go through almost hellish conditions with little or no emergency rescue services, lack of clean food and drinking water. Adding to their woes, there is hardly anybody to ensure the citizens’ safety.

To thrive in face of such adversities, it becomes essential to be adept at surviving  with even the minimum resources at hand. You can take some time out and read through Surthrival, which is an excellent course in survival strategy, penned down by Mike Adams.

You can also learn about various important facts in order to deal with water poisoning. Getting a Berkey or ProPur water filter will help you deal with power outages as well as purifying water. These water filters are available at an affordable range ($200 to $400). Know more at:

Do you drink spring water daily? Why not?

Go to and find some coming right out of the mountain rocks just as pure as the driven snow. No filtration needed!

How do you prepare your body against disease causing foods you’ve already ingested??

How do you build your immune system if you keenly opt out of flu shots, vaccines, and antibiotics?

One simple answer: “Super” nutrition:

Get Prepared to survive the Next Flood, Drought, Hurricane, or maybe just a Mass Revolution!

Don’t wait for anyone to help you. Don’t expect the City, County, State, or Nation to come to your aid in a timely manner when desperation hits. Get prepared now. It doesn’t cost that much to be SELF SUFFICIENT:


Check out The Health Ranger Select! Right here:

Natural Remedies Cure Diseases … Don’t let them tell you they don’t!

Want free advice on curing cancer, eating superfoods, and learning survival skills?


Natural News Radio!!


Driving around and need some REAL news??

Going on a road trip alone and want the Natural News?

Turn it on in your car or at home while relaxing:


Every Wednesday, host Phil Pepin blends historic facts, current events and insightful interviews to help prepare liberty loving patriots to take back their freedom and restore our great Republic. The show focuses on offering effective solutions not just identifying problems. The most information packed hour long show on radio.

Browse the Pursuit of Freedom Archive »

The Robert Scott Bell Show
Weekdays, 12pm–2pm EST

Each weekday on the NaturalNews Radio Network, Robert Scott Bell hosts the fastest two hours of healing information on radio, dealing with everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative/holistic health care. Robert Scott Bell tackles the tough issues and shows no fear when confronting government and corporate bullies who would stand in the way of health freedom.

Get the very Best Superfood available called

Enerfood! You won’t believe how your body feels when you eat superfoods daily. It’s a whole other world.


How does Enerfood add up to the perfect body balance?


Protect your family with the ultimate superfood;

Huge benefits for your body from Chia seeds:

Find out about Omega 3’s, heavy metal detoxification, and more:



 Also check out Turmeric benefits, which are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING


Turmeric is one of the most researched natural remedies of modern science! 


Why? Turmeric is routinely used as a key spice in many South Asian and Middle Eastern nations and is even heavily embedded into Ayurvedic, a traditional system of medicine that originated thousands of years ago! Many traditional systems of medicine have recognized the ginger family relative known as turmeric as a ‘spice powerhouse’ of sorts. Check out tumeric benefits: This high quality natural remedy for healthy living can be found at the new Natural News Store:

Consumer Alert: Natural News issues consumer alert!

Adya Clarity imported as battery acid

and sold for internal consumption – WATCH OUT:


Is Organic Milk Illegal? What if it’s Raw?

Aajonus Vonderplanitz PhD, key informant in prosecution of Sharon Palmer and James Stewart, found to have faked academic credentials

Learn more right now:

Natural News!

  • Supports the immune system*
  • Helps improve digestion*
  • Promotes healthy blood and liver functions*
  • Helps cleanse the skin and provide nourishment*

Some essential vitamins and nutrients** naturally found in turmeric include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Other phytonutrients
  • A whopping 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C!!
  • ·  3 times more powerful than grape seed or pine bark extract


New Certified Organic Turmeric Formulatio​n

**Link to turmeric benefits:

I recommend you do not take the risk on low quality or synthetically processed forms of turmeric which are commonplace in the supplement market. Avoid fillers, synthetic ingredients, and Genetically Modified Organisms!

I love how the Natural News Store offers 100% money-back guarantee on products!

Get healthy and stay healthy!

New Certified Organic Turmeric Formulatio​n

Special announcement:

Get the best of both worlds here!

You get the best of both worlds here: Your purchase of Turmeric benefits your vital health and helps ensure GMO labeling and the overall mission to end GMOs as a whole.

Known under the brand name of ‘Natural Attitude’ to signify a new health revolution:

Natural Attitude Organic Turmeric Extract

Now available at the new Natural News Store:

Check it out! Follow Natural News. Get the truth.

Follow Natural News. Get the truth.

Health Ranger Special Notice: Ray of hope for cancer patients found in 5 superfoods!

 Health Ranger Special Notice:

Cancer has become the most dreaded disease in the modern world. Any person who is suffering from cancer loses all hope of survival if modern, expensive treatments fail to deliver the desired results. But there are certain foods that can help resist the growth and spread of cancer in the human body. A recent study by City of Hope Cancer Center near Los Angeles shows that five superfoods namely mushrooms, blueberries, pomegranates, cinnamon and grape seed extracts can fight cancer effectively. These foods can be obtained at any superstore and are available throughout the year.


It has been seen in the study that white button mushrooms work to slow the growth rate of breast cancer tumors. They target a protein enzyme called aromatase that is responsible for triggering breast cancer tumors. Similar activities from white mushrooms have been witnessed in cases of prostate cancer also. So, eating mushrooms can be helpful in preventing cancer cells to grow or spread. Blueberries are reported to play important roles in preventing cancer. Some compounds in the fruit work to shrink the size of the tumors in breast cancer. They prevent breast cancer cells from multiplying and even from surviving.

Pomegranate is another superfood that can be used to fight cancer. It contains six substances that can curb aromatose which fuels breast cancer. It is also useful in other forms of cancer such as colon cancer. Cinnamon which has long been used as an ingredient in foods and medicine has certain properties that fight cancer. It gives rise to a process called angionesis that blocks a protein which tumors utilize to keep blood flowing to the affected glands. Thus, cutting the blood supply to the tumors; cinnamon prevents their growth and survival.


Grape seed extracts are now known to be efficient cancer fighters as the compounds that they retain can curtail the powerful effects of aromatose significantly and thus stop breast cancer from growing and spreading. People all over the world can easily utilize these five superfoods to fight against cancer instead of spending money to get expensive treatments that have to date, failed to stop or cure the dreaded disease.


Cancer cure snuffed by FDA!! Get the Health Ranger Inside Story!

Dr.  Stanislaw Burzynski pioneered a treatment known as “antineoplastons” — a  treatment that causes brain tumors to VANISH in many children. These  antineoplastons, which are unique protein chains made from amino acids, also  work on many other cancers afflicting people young and old.

The cure rate  using antineoplastons is extraordinary. It’s not anywhere near 100%, but it’s  high enough to start saving millions of lives each year around the world RIGHT  NOW. And antineoplastons have zero negative side effects. You stay healthy and  vibrant while your cancer tumors melt away.

So you might think the cancer  industry would want to learn more about antineiplastons, right? You might think  some of the money people raise from those “walk for the cure” events would go to  fund more research on finding out WHY these antineoplastons work so well to cure  many cancers, wouldn’t you?

But no. Instead of embracing Dr. Burzynski’s  research, the cancer industry persecuted him.

Learn more:

Want free advice on curing cancer, eating superfoods, and learning survival skills?

check this out: Natural News Radio!!

 Driving around and need some REAL news??

Going on a road trip alone and want the Natural News?

Turn it on in your car or at home while relaxing:


Every Wednesday, host Phil Pepin blends historic facts, current events and insightful interviews to help prepare liberty loving patriots to take back their freedom and restore our great Republic. The show focuses on offering effective solutions not just identifying problems. The most information packed hour long show on radio.

Browse the Pursuit of Freedom Archive »

The Robert Scott Bell Show
Weekdays, 12pm–2pm EST

Each weekday on the NaturalNews Radio Network, Robert Scott Bell hosts the fastest two hours of healing information on radio, dealing with everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative/holistic health care. Robert Scott Bell tackles the tough issues and shows no fear when confronting government and corporate bullies who would stand in the way of health freedom.



The Best Superfood available is … Enerfood!

What is “Enerfood” equal to?


Protect your family with the ultimate superfood;

Huge benefits for your body from Chia seeds:

Find out about Omega 3’s, heavy metal detoxification, and more:



 Also check out Turmeric benefits, which are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING


Turmeric is one of the most researched natural remedies of modern science! 


Why? Turmeric is routinely used as a key spice in many South Asian and Middle Eastern nations and is even heavily embedded into Ayurvedic, a traditional system of medicine that originated thousands of years ago! Many traditional systems of medicine have recognized the ginger family relative known as turmeric as a ‘spice powerhouse’ of sorts. Check out tumeric benefits: This high quality natural remedy for healthy living can be found at the new Natural News Store:

Consumer Alert: Natural News issues consumer alert!

Adya Clarity imported as battery acid

and sold for internal consumption – WATCH OUT:


Is Organic Milk Illegal? What if it’s Raw?

Aajonus Vonderplanitz PhD, key informant in prosecution of Sharon Palmer and James Stewart, found to have faked academic credentials

Learn more right now:

Natural News!

  • Supports the immune system*
  • Helps improve digestion*
  • Promotes healthy blood and liver functions*
  • Helps cleanse the skin and provide nourishment*

Some essential vitamins and nutrients** naturally found in turmeric include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Other phytonutrients
  • A whopping 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C!!
  • 3 times more powerful than grape seed or pine bark extract

**Link to turmeric benefits:

I recommend you do not take the risk on low quality or synthetically processed forms of turmeric which are commonplace in the supplement market. Avoid fillers, synthetic ingredients, and Genetically Modified Organisms!

I love how the Natural News Store offers 100% money-back guarantee on products!

Get healthy and stay healthy!



New Certified Organic Turmeric Formulatio​n: Proceeds to Fund GMO Labeling

Special announcement: Get the best of both worlds here!

You get the best of both worlds here: Your purchase of Turmeric benefits your vital health and helps ensure GMO labeling and the overall mission to end GMOs as a whole.

Known under the brand name of ‘Natural Attitude’ to signify a new health revolution:

Natural Attitude Organic Turmeric Extract

Now available at the new Natural News Store:

Check it out! Follow Natural News. Get the truth.

Follow Natural News. Get the truth.

Adjusting back to normal life: Worried about chemical PTSD treatments and their side effects? Try this:


PTSD curable by healing touch and guided imagery, study confirms

Worried about PTSD treatment and its side effects? Here’s some good news for the military who have been out there in the battlefield to defend America’s causes in face of combat and bloodshed. Now they can get treated with the help of a non-invasive, non-toxic method which has no side effects at all and has proven success records among the users. A combined usage of healing touch and guided imagery has been deemed extremely successful and effective in causing ‘dramatic clinical reductions in post-traumatic stress disorder.’

Adjusting back to normal life

Considering the fact that PTSD is the Pentagon’s top priority, this treatment method has been recommended as it not only helps the person in adjusting back to normal life but also does that without harming the body in any way. This is definitely a much better option if compared to the toxic pharmaceuticals that the military treatments usually include.

According to a recently conducted study, healing touch has been claimed as being effective to the maximum extent. This is just scientific proof of the Health Ranger’s claims which are based on pure organic healing methods.

Strong and effective healing method

The fact is that the nation’s troops have faced two wars which have lasted for quite a long time. As a result, the military personnel had to be sent back again and again causing extremely serious cases of PTSD. In face of this, they need a strong and effective healing method which will not only help them in dealing with pain but also give them back their mental strength in tackling the after effects of prolonged combat.

According to Scripps Health, treatments inclusive of healing touch, “decrease anxiety and elicit relaxation…” On the other hand, guided imagery is a way of ‘utilizing the imagination to help a person reduce stress, decrease pain and enhance overall well-being through visual assistance.’

The study has verified that a combined treatment of HT + GI resulted in assured improvements in their quality of life and assisted them in getting out of their states of depression and cynicism.



Give Holistic a Try!

Strong and effective healing method

Healing touch and guided imagery

    Give Natural a try!

Strong and effective healing method

Healing touch and guided imagery

Population Control, Eugenics, and the Whooping Cough – pregnant women pushed by CDC to get combo jab “shot”

Pertussis or whooping cough is a bacterial infection caused by Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis causes severe coughing spells and is most severe when it occurs early in life. After the introduction of pertussis-containing vaccines in the 1940s, the number of cases and deaths due to pertussis declined, however, then it increased again in the 1980s. Coincidence, or did the shots never really work at all?

On top of that, what’s all the huge fuss? Is there an epidemic? During the 1980s there were only 77 cases of fatal whooping cough, and on top of that, nine of the 10 non infant cases already had preexisting medical problems!

Oh my God, let’s go shoot up all the pregnant women with some chemicals that cause cancer so we can prevent this massive nightmare that 77 people died of in A WHOLE DECADE.

So what’s the plan? Kill off lots of innocent people, and protect the rich elites who know better than to get vaccinated, or eat GMO, or Aspartame, or get flu shots, and you get the point.

What is Eugenics? Let’s look at the big picture here and what Bill Gates has to say about it all, and what he wants to do with his billions, asap:

Eu-gen-ics; Noun: The science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics

Bill Gates: “The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

How do you reduce the world population 15%

through vaccines?

If vaccines do WHAT THEY SAY THEY DO, then they build human immunity to deadly diseases, right? So then less babies die early, right? Less vaccinated humans who engage with “the sick” will die, right?  Because vaccines protect you from horrible deadly diseases that you can’t find immunity for any other way, right?

Wrong. Nutrients build immunity, but you have to know which ones, how much to use, and when! Herbs and Superfoods build immunity, but the “man” doesn’t want you to know. Bill Gates let the BIG LIE slip. He didn’t think we were listening. He thought he would just transmit his goal, his cause, his power hungry lie to his friends, and his business gurus. He admitted the BIG VACCINE LIE.

Think I’m making this up?
You can watch this yourself at:

This statement by Bill Gates was not made with any hesitation, stuttering or other indication that it might have been a mistake. It appears to have been a deliberate, calculated part of a well developed and coherent presentation.

So what does it mean when Bill Gates says “if we do a really great job on new vaccines… we could lower [world population] by 10 or 15 percent?”

Clearly, this statement implies that vaccines are a method of population reduction. So is “health care,” which all Natural News readers already know to be more of a “sick care” system that actually harms more people than it helps.

Learn more:

Now the CDC wants to poison all pregnant women with whooping cough vaccines that we know don’t even work!! Unbelievable.

Learn more:

The “formaldehyde” vaccine:

Now official U.S. government policy

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which makes formal recommendations to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about vaccine guidelines, recently decided that all pregnant women should be vaccinated for whooping cough (pertussis). Defying up-to-date science showing that the vaccine does not even work, ACIP voted 14-0, with one abstention, to make it official U.S. government policy that pregnant women receive the jab, in order to supposedly pass on immunity to their babies.

Whooping cough vaccine loaded with toxic additives that obstruct fetal development:

Here’s what goes from

breast milk directly into the baby:

Formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, 2-phenoxyethanol, ammonium sulfate, and glutaraldehyde. The GlaxoSmithKline Tdap vaccine Boostrix contains a blend of antigens adsorbed onto aluminum salts, as well as the adjuvants aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate.

Formaldehyde, of course, was recently added to the National Toxicology Program (NTP)’s Report on Carcinogens as a known carcinogen, which means it causes cancer.

What’s the BIGGEST IRONY of it all?

Whooping cough outbreaks affect mostly people

that have already been vaccinated

The vast majority of those afflicted with whooping cough during recent outbreaks have been individuals that were already vaccinated for whooping cough, which proves the vaccine does not work.

Stay away from the “formaldehyde” vaccine!

Try superfoods and super nutrients and super minerals!

You can build your immunity naturally and fight off infection with colloidal silver, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. Don’t know how? It’s time to learn:

Here at Health Ranger Update I care about the topics I write about. My heart is in this for me, for you, for everyone!

Follow the Update: Get with the program. Swallow it whole: Enjoy this universe as long as you can, and stay healthy all the while!  ENERFOOD = ENERGY = VITALITY = IMMUNITY

Protect your family with the ultimate superfood;

“Enerfood” is the best Superfood!

  Also check out Turmeric benefits, which are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING

 Turmeric is one of the most researched natural remedies of modern science! 

 Why? Turmeric is routinely used as a key spice in many South Asian and Middle Eastern nations and is even heavily embedded into Ayurvedic, a traditional system of medicine that originated thousands of years ago! Many traditional systems of medicine have recognized the ginger family relative known as turmeric as a ‘spice powerhouse’ of sorts. Check out tumeric benefits: This high quality natural remedy for healthy living can be found at the new Natural News Store:

The truth. Natural News. Untainted News. Get the scoop.!/2012/10/monsanto-writes-its-own-fda-quote-to.html



TSA scanners cause cancer? Add it up with X-rays, microwave ovens, dental exams, breast cancer screenings, and yes, watch out!

Beware of terrorists! They cause cancer, did you know?! There are terrorists everywhere! They are in the airport security machines, at the dentist office, at the brain scanner room in the hospital, at the water purification plants. Yes, you had better watch out when you travel, especially, because you are a danger to the danger. You will be walking through machines that radiate you to find out if you are dangerous! Yes, you might as well put your head in your microwave oven and push “thaw.”

The naked body scanners might actually be removed, according to the story being covered by Natural News reporters. Why is that? The naked body scanners do a lot more than make you look naked for the perverts at the airports, the perverts who have criminal records but are still hired by TSA to check you out for danger!!

Everyone knows why x-ray technicians cover your genital area or your breasts when you get x-rayed, and why the tech runs out of the room during the “snapshots”. Cancer!! Exposure to radiation causes cancer. Oh, but throw all that out the window at the airport, cause who cares about some “long term” disease when there’s an immediate threat! Like people who take metal stuff on airplanes. After all, 9/11 wasn’t carried out by people with guns, they had box cutters. And the other “plane bombers” had gatorade, or contac solution, or maybe a book of matches!! OMG!

So how do we handle all this? No more liquid containers with more than 4 ounces, because lord knows anyone who’s watched MacGyver a few times can figure all that out! And let’s hire thugs and criminals fresh out of prison for rape and child molestation to work the toxic cancer causing scanners at the airport too! That’ll catch those crazy people who are trying to sneak guns onto planes, especially the ones who hide the guns in their anus, or behind their fake breasts!

Is that how the shoe bomber functioned? Did he hide the weaponry up his butt before he loaded up his shoe and tried to light it on fire? Or was that all staged?

Are you worried about how much exposure you’re getting to radiation? Is it feeding cancer? TSA doesn’t care. Corporate America doesn’t care. Airline companies don’t care. The FDA doesn’t care. The National Cancer Institute doesn’t care. Susan G. Komen Foundation doesn’t care. Fight regulations if you want change. Write congress. Write the CDC.. Write editorials for your local paper that generate support for taking scanners out of airports.

After months of complaints, negative feedback, bad press and no small amount of controversy, the Transportation Security Administration has announced it will begin removing its naked body scanners out of key airports around the country. Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security – which oversees the TSA – made the decision in recent days to pull the scanners from New York City’s LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy International airports. Why did it take so long? And what’s the reason for the move? Read more Natural News coverage to find out!