Top 5 natural remedies for OVERCOMING ADDICTIONS to sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine

First and foremost, overcoming addictions is physical. The human body has several cleansing organs that get taxed and overworked, in desperate need of cleansing. Second, specific vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants get drained, leached, and depleted from the body due to the addiction(s), making it harder to recover and not relapse, especially for those who are unaware of the natural remedies that need to be replenished.

Whether you are addicted to sugar, caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine, there are natural solutions available at health food stores online and in the retail sector, and they won’t cost you an arm and a leg to load up on either. Time to do a little digging. A little research, and find out the best natural remedies for overcoming common addictions. Don’t feel bad. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t feel defeated. You can win this important battle, and you’ll feel great knowing you came out on top, the natural way.

Top 5 natural remedies for overcoming addictions, including recovering from overuse and abuse of alcohol, nicotine, sugar, and/or caffeine

#1. Dandelion root – for liver cleansing

#2. St. John’s Wort – for anxiety and depression

#3. Milk Thistle – also for liver cleansing

#4. Vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin – balances central nervous system

#5. Mucuna Pruriens – for dopamine boost and calming nerves

Dandelion Root and Leaves

Your cleansing organs are vital to your health. You cannot live without your liver, kidneys, or pancreas, but most Americans treat them like a trash can or garbage disposal, thinking they can just put anything in them and the “janitors” will do the rest of the work. Not true at all.

Addictive substances often pollute the liver and cause a laundry list of health issues over time. In fact, the liver is one of the body’s most important organs as it deals with every aspect of body metabolism and digestion, breaking down toxins so the kidneys can then excrete them. Nervous system disorders are brought on by liver disease, because toxins build up in the blood and affect brain function. Want to know about an herb that’s perfect for helping the liver free itself of toxins that accumulate? Answer: Dandelion.

Did you know that dandelion roots and leaves are medicinal? They are full of vitamins and nutrients. The root helps cleanse the liver by increasing bile production, removing toxins quickly and efficiently cleaning the liver. Available as a tea, powdered extract, or tincture, dandelion root is easy to come by. Look into it right away.

St. John’s Wort

For hundreds of years, natural health advocates have utilized St. John’s Wort as an old home remedy that’s useful for fighting mild depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Many people who overuse sugar, alcohol, and/or nicotine for years suffer from depression, especially when trying to cut back significantly or quit those toxic substances. They are all stimulants in the short term, but depressants in the long run.

The St. John’s Wort is a plant that grows yellow star-shaped flowers and is native to Europe, but has been planted all over the world. The remedy is made from the blooms and flowers. It’s also been used to treat nerve pain and heal cuts and bites. Are you in a “low mood” while trying to cut back or quit some addictive substance? Got mood swings? St. John’s Wort may help to stabilize those. Many people get quite cranky and anxious when quitting caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or even sugar. St. John’s Wort can help.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle, also known as silybum marianum, is a flowering herb also native to Europe but now grown on most continents. The active ingredient in milk thistle, silymarin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. This helps restore liver health and protect against liver damage from excess alcohol.

Vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin

Methylcobalamin is by far the best kind and most bio-available form of vitamin B12, as opposed to cyanocobalamin (the kind found in 5-hour Energy). Because vitamin B12 is water soluble, it does not stay in the body for long. Vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with smoking, as certain chemicals in cigarettes (nitrites, nitro oxide, cyanides, and isocyanides) literally leach vitamin B12 from the body.

No matter what addiction you’re trying to kick, vitamin B12 as methycobalamin is essential for helping balance the nerves and provide you with energy for improving physical health.

Mucuna Pruriens (Ayurvedic Herb)

Traditional Ayurvedic herb mucuna pruriens has been used for thousands of years for its therapeutic qualities that provide balance to the nervous system and boost natural dopamine production in the human body, safely and effectively. Also known as the “dopamine bean” and “kapikacchu,” the beans of this herb yield the world’s most potent source of levodopa or L-Dopa. Taken as a dietary supplement in capsules, or mixed as a powder into beverages, mucuna pruriens can be substituted for nicotine, sugar, caffeine, or alcohol, and boost the mood, energy, and balance nerves all the while. Who knows this?

Got anxiety from trying to quit an addiction? Mucuna can uplift your mood and calm your nerves. Now mucuna pruriens potent extract is available with vitamin B12 in an amazing new functional beverage called Krave Kicker. Now you can end addiction cravings naturally without having to apply endless willpower. Let the natural remedies do the work for you, and change your lifestyle for the better, starting right now.


ADDICTED TO SWEETS? Sugar can be just as addicting as alcohol, nicotine or opiates – but there are alternatives to help people cut back or quit


America is definitely the home of the sweets and land of the obese. Every third person is overweight and 50% of them are obese, and it’s not from eating too many vegetables. Eating sugar releases huge surges of the neurotransmitter dopamine (along with opioids) in our bodies as part of the “reward circuit” that scientists have associated with addictive behavior. This is not so different from what happens when our brain reacts to hard core drugs like heroin or cocaine, or even sex, our mesolimbic (CNS) dopamine system gets activated.

The problem is that sweets are just a short-term boost, and then comes the dreaded crash. Motivation disappears. Headaches can become intolerable. Inability to concentrate is common. Depression and a feeling of hopelessness can set in. People get very moody. Do they continue the cycle, feeding the body sugar, like a drug, or should they seek natural remedies? Where to start?

First, figure out the root of the problem. Obesity may be responsible for reduced dopamine levels in the body, very similar to what happens to smokers and alcoholics. Other factors in chronically low dopamine levels are stress and sleep deprivation. Listening to music, exercising, and spending quality time in the sunshine can boost dopamine levels, but quitting sugar, alcohol, and/or nicotine is key, if one or more of those are your “crutches.”

Sugar is the most consumed addictive substance in the world

Get this: sugar is harder to give up than cocaine. Sugar triggers dopamine “hits” that make your brain hardwired to crave more, while building up a tolerance. Feeling compelled to chomp down on some cake, pie, pastries, ice cream or cookies? Addicted to soda or fancy, jazzed-up “coffee” drinks? You’ll need more and more of it over time just to reach the same state of satisfaction, worse than a cocaine addict.


The average American consumes three pounds of sugar weekly. One third of all of this sugar comes from soda and other sugar-laden beverages. Many people do it to combat boredom and/or stress. Certain nutrient deficiencies also contribute to sugar cravings, including magnesium (think chocolate), zinc, iron, calcium, and chromium.

Understanding the dopamine connection is vital to “fixing” your system and becoming un-addicted to the most consumed addictive substance in the world – sugar. It’s a vicious cycle of binge, withdrawal, crave, and repeat, but there’s a way out. Addressing the root of the problem with a natural remedy that boosts dopamine production, without sugar, caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol, is key.

Herbal adaptogen boosts dopamine production without addiction, withdrawal, or “crash”

Well-known as the “velvet bean,” mucuna is a legume superfood that grows well in tropical climates, like Africa, India, the Caribbean Islands, the Pacific Islands, and Brazil. Most parts of the amazing herbal adaptogen mucuna can be used, besides the velvety-purple outer layer, including the beans, the seeds, and the roots. Inside the beans is a substance called levodopa that can be used to stimulate dopamine levels, energy levels, concentration levels, and sex drive (libido). That’s because mucuna contains epinephrine for adrenaline and norepinephrine for energy and focus.

Mucuna is loaded with other health-boosting benefits too, including high content of vitamin B1, iron, and the vital mineral phosphorus, that helps keep the nervous system functioning on all cylinders. In-depth scientific research has been conducted using mucuna pruriens to successfully and safely boost dopamine levels for Parkinson’s patients, as documented by National Institutes of Health.

Many people are figuring out they can replace bad habits like consuming too much sugar, alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine, by putting to work for them a new supplement beverage called Krave Kicker, that contains mucuna pruriens extract and vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin. The propriety blend is the ultimate boost for dopamine levels while helping to balance the central nervous system. It’s good to know there’s a natural remedy for everything under the sun, you just have to know what to look for and where.

Research for this article includes:


Top 4 shocking ingredients in CIGARETTES dissected and explained – no wonder 35 million Americans can’t figure out why they’re so addicted

Sure, everybody has at least heard that there are all kinds of “chemicals” in commercial cigarettes, and that cancer sticks got that nickname for a reason, but even a non-smoker would be shocked to find out what is really driving the addiction, besides just nicotine. There are 4 shocking ingredients in cigarettes, that have been used for over 50 years, that most people couldn’t even guess were in them, and these ingredients drive specific kinds of cancer and the NEED for nicotine. Once these insidious manufacturing tricks are exposed, it’s much easier to understand the cause of the addiction, and it’s also much easier to quit.

#1. Cellulose Acetate – a form of plastic that is used in photo film is also woven (in a cross-hatch pattern) into cigarette paper to make it burn evenly, and burn at temperatures up to 1700 degrees. This is why cigarettes don’t go out in heavy wind, and also why the burning part doesn’t trail up one side, as it would if you rolled your own. Burning plastic chemicals leads to cancer of the larynx (85%), esophagus (58%), and the pharynx section of the oral cavity (55%).

#2. Bleach – Most cigarettes are white, and paper comes from trees, but trees are brown. Just like most white foods, including flour, sugar, pasta, and bread, bleach is used to turn cigarette papers white. With each puff of a cigarette, the smoker is inhaling a little bleach, which over time, damages the epithelial tissues and cleansing organs. This helps drive cancer of the pancreas (95% death rate), liver (34%), and kidneys (24%). Each time the smoker urinates, a little bit of bleach is exiting the system, burning the tissues, including the bladder and prostate, and inviting cancer cells to attack.

#3. Fiberglass – Ever wonder why cigarette filters (butts) keep your fingers cool, or why they take 15 years to disintegrate? Most cigarette manufacturers use glass wool, also known as fiberglass (like in your attic), to keep the smokers fingers cool, even when they smoke the cigarette all the way down to the nub. Tiny glass shards from this escape into the mouth, throat, and lungs, creating tiny tears (cuts) in the epithelial tissue that lines the inside of these passage ways. As more and more damage is done over time, cancer cells move in for the kill, and occupy the damaged tissue. That’s why lung cancer rates are the highest for smokers, at a whopping 90%.

#4. Ammonia – Since the 1960s, cigarette manufacturers figured out how to freebase the tobacco with ammonia so the nicotine becomes a vapor-ready drug that hits the heart and brain in just 3 seconds. Ammonia mixed with bleach is the basic formula for mustard gas, a deadly concoction used as a biological weapon of war. That means with every puff, a smoker is inhaling a little bit of poison that causes an almost immediate hangover, the moment the nicotine from the previous cigarette starts wearing off.

The ‘Cigarette Hangover’ from these chemicals drives the need for relief in the form of nicotine

Anyone who has ever had an alcohol hangover knows that a couple aspirin and lots of water is the ‘cure.’ So what’s the temporary cure for the cigarette hangover? Another cigarette. The toxic chemicals in cigarettes, including pesticides, ammonia, bleach, and plastic, lead to a horrible feeling of nervousness and anxiety, but most smokers don’t know that’s the reason they feel like they do. That’s why nicotine is not the most dangerous part of smoking and is really only the relief from the angst caused by the damage the chemicals do to the body, every hour of every day.

Continued tobacco use after cancer diagnosis DOUBLES risk of death from 12 types of cancer per study published in JAMA

Most non-smokers would say that smokers who continue to use tobacco after they are diagnosed with cancer is beyond comprehension, but those accusers fail to understand the depth of the addiction, and what’s really causing it, besides just the nicotine. Smoking ammonia, bleach, plastic, and fiberglass leads to many types of different cancers, and continuing to smoke after cancer diagnoses doubles the smoker’s chance of death from those cancers, according to research compiled in California at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center and published in JAMA. Nearly 100,000 Californian smokers were studied, and the conclusions were shocking, even to oncologists.

How to quit smoking with the help of natural supplements

Nearly all smokers agree on one point: If they didn’t feel nervous, anxious, and dead-tired most of the time, they wouldn’t smoke. There’s a natural remedy that boosts dopamine levels naturally, without any addictive qualities, drugs, or chemicals. There’s also a vitamin that helps balance the central nervous system, aiding in the quitting of smoking, naturally. A new supplement beverage called Krave Kicker combines mucuna pruriens (superfood L-dopa) and vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) to help smokers kick the cravings while feeling balanced and mood-elevated.

The true physical nicotine addiction is broken in just 4 days. So, with the New Year quickly approaching, millions of smokers (and vape enthusiasts) would love to have a natural method for quitting nicotine that really works and is proven effective. Now is the time to not only make that New Year’s resolution, but to make it come true.

Sources for this research:

World’s BEST nicotine alternative Krave Kicker – organic liquid shot provides natural dopamine boost

Well, ’tis the season to … QUIT NICOTINE. From stocking stuffers to New Year’s resolutions, people and their cohort smokers want to quit, know it’s time to quit, have tried quitting before, but are ready for something DIFFERENT that works.

Welcome to the World of Krave Kicker, a commercial organic formula that combines superfoods and supplements to quash nicotine cravings for hours, allowing that all crucial physical addiction break from nicotine that comes after 3 to 4 days of cold turkey. After that, it’s all just simple behavior modifications. Who knew?

The ultimate and natural nicotine alternative has launched commercially in America.

First, there was 5-hour Energy, the ultimate B vitamin boost that the world needed so bad, and it came in little tasty liquid “shots.” Boom!

Now, there’s Krave Kicker, the ultimate dopamine boost that the world of smokers and vape enthusiasts need so bad, and it comes in a tasty little 2.5 ounce liquid shot that’s organic, nicotine-free, sugar-free, caffeine-free, and tastes great!

Wow. No aftertaste. No mouth burn. No nausea. No indigestion. No addiction. No crash. No hangover. Nothing artificial. No GMOs. No preservatives (those are usually bad for your cells).

Clean. Effective. A natural remedy for the cigarette hangover from the “Cigarette Killer” himself. Enjoy a 12-pack of pomegranate or a 12-pack of lemon-lime flavor Krave Kicker, available online only at

Read about the innovative world of functional beverages now infiltrating the nicotine alternative world, so smokers can know about the benefits of a natural way to boost dopamine while balancing the central nervous system. It’s truly revolutionary!

Sources for this press release include:

Krave Kicker Hit the Stores in September

KK stand loaded


Get a “six pack” of KRAVE KICKER™ 2.5 oz bottles for just $24.95 plus shipping. This gives you two full days worth of no cigarette cravings. Use them at your discretion, for indoor events, movies at the theatre, 4-hour work blocks, or plane flights and road trips.

Trust me, I am the “Cigarette Killer” and I’ve sold thousands of dollars worth of videos and books on how to quit smoking naturally, and I’ve authored over 100 published articles on the subject, and this invention is BY FAR the easiest way to kick your “nic” cravings for 4 hour blocks during the day and night, and possibly quit for life!

Once you kick the cravings, you kick the habit! That’s the trick.

Krave Kicker Video Channel:

Published Author and Inventor Sean D. Cohen:


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