Drugs are waging a WAR OF ATTRITION on the human body


Different kinds of drugs are consumed all over the world but the people who consume them are seldom aware of the dangers that these drugs are capable of inflicting on the human body. Natural News emphasizes the necessity of knowing which drugs are capable of doing what. Take for example Advair, the drug that is considered to be effective in the treatment of asthma. It is now reported that though Advair provides temporary relief from the agony of the disease, it gradually worsens the problem of asthma along with lessening bone density and weakening natural immune system. Chantix which is used for getting rid of smoking habit breeds heart problems and depressions that can sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts. To know more visit: http://www.naturalnews.com/035222_drugs_junk_food_disease.html.

As far as psychiatric drugs are concerned, they are regarded by many as inciters of chemical warfare on the human body. Robert Whitaker, the author of Mad in America has clearly stated in an interview that U.S. authorities and especially Food and Drug Administration have resorted to massive cover-ups and lies in order to give a clean chit to hazardous psychiatric drugs like Prozac and Zyprexa. He even says that these drugs have in fact induced new sorts of mental illnesses in many often leading to premature death. Learn more of the truth about this visit: http://www.naturalnews.com/011353_bad_medicine_psychiatric_drug.html#ixzz2NWIf0B4h.

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According to the latest Natural News report, the worst sufferers of these psychiatric drugs are the members of the U.S. army. It is now reported that almost one-fourth of the total number of U.S. soldiers under medication are undergoing psychotropic drug treatment. The Pentagon is reported to have spent $280 million in 2010 on psychiatric drugs. Moreover, the number of suicides by both active duty personnel and veterans has risen over last few years. All these indicate the escalation of depression in soldiers and excessive drug abuse by the U.S. army on its personnel. In order to know more visit: http://www.naturalnews.com/039473_psychiatric_drugs_soldiers_suicides.html#ixzz2NWHMUlJw.