How the government makes laws to benefit corporations while harming citizens!!


According to Natural News, corporations make a fortune off selling cancer sticks and then chemotherapy. It might as well be packaged together, like coupons for chemo in the pack of cigarettes.

Now hemp on the other hand is illegal because hemp can be used as fuel, food, clothing, shelter and much more. The US government doesn’t want anyone growing something that would enable them to avoid going shopping, paying expensive electric bills or paying big money for fuel, or cure cancer. This would undermine several major industries that politicians profit from, and that is why they continue writing legislation to keep hemp illegal in the US.

Also, marijuana is illegal in the US because many people benefit from its use. Cannabis is said to heal many kinds of cancer, and people on chemotherapy like it because it gives them some appetite and gets rid of nausea. Plus, many people who smoke marijuana feel relaxed and non-materialistic. They seem satisfied with their lot and this undermines capitalism, which means less people buying stuff they don’t even need. That’s just not the American way!


Another reason cigarettes are legal is because they are taxed heavily and the government can use that money to buy rich vacations and dream homes for themselves. The corporation lobbyists for Big Tobacco give extravagant gifts to politicians so they will write legislation to help them push cigarettes on today’s youth and sell cigarettes to unknowing people who don’t understand the severe health detriment they are subjecting themselves to. This is well known because Camel got busted marketing to kids, and so did Marlboro.

One way to get off cigarettes for good, if you are addicted now, is to use the natural method called 14AndOut. This is an invention made up by a former smoker where you simply smoke organic tobacco for the last 14 days of your habit, while you use some simple behavior modification tricks and infuse nutrition to kill the urge to smoke. How brilliant! Natural News enthusiasts have been sharing this method with smokers they love and care about because they know it works. The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, recommends it and says that there are no gimmicks, no medications, just health freedom to gain.

14AndOut Kindle Cover

For more information, watch the free preview/trailer to the natural method “14AndOut” here:

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the truth about the dirty politics regarding the cannabis and tobacco laws, one can easily log onto:

The Idiot Box (TV) vs. Natural – What NEWS do you want in your brain each day?


The idiot box tells you that there’s no prevention for Alzheimer’s. How about not eating aluminum (antacids) or drinking aluminum (tap water) or injecting it into your veins (vaccines)? The idiot box sells drugs for health problems but the side effects include internal bleeding and thoughts of suicide. The idiot box presents reporters in front of blue screens who lie and say they are somewhere else. It must be a budget thing. The idiot box has reporters who say they were shot at during war coverage, though they were not. This is the idiot box, where you are also supposed to get your news, that is, about your health and safety. Why would anyone believe a word these people say?

The idiot box filters ALL information to breed toxic bodies and minds:

idiot box 2

On the other hand, there’s Natural News (which does include NaturalNews.TV), and this is where we recently saw (just last August of 2014) the VIDEO of the CDC whistleblower and scientist Dr. William Thompson who admitted in TOTAL CONFESSION that vaccines cause autism and that test results proving that have been hidden from the public.

There’s Natural, where the Editor in Chief is also the lead researcher at the Forensic Food Lab, where they use microscopy to view heavy metal toxins in foods down to the parts per million and billion.

Mike Adams is reshaping the protein and rice industries that want to be viewed as healthy food choices by putting in place maximums for heavy metal toxins like lead, aluminum, cadmium, tungsten and more. This is reality reporting and the information is free.


That’s cheaper than TV because we all know you pay some monopoly-corporation exorbitant fees to watch the fake news with those side-effect laden commercials that scream “IDIOT BOX.” Change your “tune” and tune into health freedom. It will make everything better for you – – your work, your exercise, your creativity and your extra-curricular activity! It’s time to “kill” the fake news and do what will benefit you and your family for the rest of your life. Oh yes, seek out highly valuable and free information and then share it with everyone you know. It’s right at your fingertips too. No need for TV. There’s even NaturalNewsRadio for your car ride or your porch on a rainy day:

mike b nn radio

You just click and listen from any smart device or laptop. Connect some mini-speaker to your computer or smart phone and sit back and learn all about your organic life and about your environment. Learn how to grow organic fruits and vegetables inside your home or in your yard for pennies on the dollar too. (


Natural News Reports on Reality

Every day, if you track Natural News on line, you find at least a dozen new articles published by the Editor. The research and reporting is done by journalists, investigative reporters, nutritionists, doctors, scientists (like Mike Adams) and more. Natural News reports on reality – like the dire water problem in California that the MSM, main-stream-media (a.k.a. lame-stream-media) is blacking out from the news. Oh, but the Governor is screaming for help.

This was just published today: “Those who have not been doing their share,” include the wealthy residents of Beverly Hills, whose elite circle considers anything other than a lush green lawn bordered with blossoming foliage a travesty. A Sunday stroll up Maple Drive in Beverly Hills would have you thinking about anything except the fact that the state is experiencing one of the worst droughts in history as it enters a fourth consecutive dry year.”

While the fake news on the idiot box tells you there’s no cure or prevention for Alzheimer’s or autism, the real news on Natural News shares success stories of people who changed over to organic food, said NO! to toxic vaccines and said NO! to fluoridated water, those success stories help new ones develop and champion their own health and self-reliance. It’s all about food freedom, medical freedom and protecting the environment. Natural News informs you that more than 90% of the products on the shelves at grocery stores contain food toxins that lead to disease and disorder of the human body.

When is the last time TV advertised something cured a disease or disorder, because one hundred years ago there rarely was a case of cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease or strokes in the USA, and there are thousands of REAL stories out there of people who cured themselves of these PREVENTABLE diseases, disorders of the cells, disorders of the central nervous system, and malnutrition.

TV has negativity for sale. Are you BUYING into it?

Do you want chemical healthcare because you eat chemical food? Fine. Here you go:

Natural News will inform you that PREVENTABLE actually means preventable. It means you can do something about it, and that doesn’t mean taking chemical medicines that are manufactured in labs.

Natural News will inform you that PREVENTABLE means organic, raw, whole food, juicing vegetables, and making fruit and superfood smoothies. Natural News has investigative reporters working with Nutritionists who read the real news and other natural, alternative news and put it all together for the seven million visitors monthly at the largest health news website in the world.

Do you know about hemp seed oil curing stage 4 cancer? I can’t “say it,” but do you want to hear it from a doctor’s mouth. Here you go:

Yes, miracles do happen, and so do smart food decisions every day

Consider this first before we get to the positive stuff. Television mostly advertises junk science, which is food that is void of nutrition due to processing, baking, broiling, frying, barbecuing, and due to chemicals used to treat meat, milk, gluten and spices. Most ads on TV happen because those food, drink and personal care products manufacturers sell cheap and toxic nightmares to the unknowing public. The FDA and CDC are not looking out for these people. The FDA and CDC were created as criminal rackets, like corporations, to sell chemical foods and chemical drugs for profits, period. This is the script handed down to TV, the bottom feeders, who eat like shrimp the waste product of Big Food, also known as GMO, pesticide-based fluoride water, and lab-made toxins that cover the symptoms of this poisoning process. Only an early, expensive and often painful dragged-out death is the toll for ignorance today about toxic food, toxic water and toxic medicine. You don’t have to wait for a miracle. The good news is you can make your own miracles, every day, by consuming only things organic. That goes for what goes in your mouth and on your skin, hair, face, nails, etc.

Never eat meat that’s been bleached and treated with ammonia. Not sure what meat we’re talking about? Here’s a full research article on it from Natural News. This article generated a wealth of social media shares:

“Most conventional “red” meat is bleached or ammonia-treated to kill the E. coli and then dyed back pink, like with hamburger and steak, to look attractive in the butcher’s window. They want to believe that the meat just shows up magically, without all the horrific processing and inhumane living quarters. Usually, there’s a picture or two over the meat section of some happy cows wandering the pasture, waiting to “help out” with the humans’ meat and milk “consumption problem.” But in actuality, it’s GMOs on top of GMOs, because these are the cows fed genetically modified corn meal and GM alfalfa to begin with.”

Health miracles happen every day, just not on TV. You see, TV isn’t going to tell you how to heal yourself, for that makes TV no money. If you buy organic raw fresh food and eat it, and you drink spring water – real spring water – daily, well then you become a success story, and everyone sees it, even if you never appear on television. The news is fake news, and focuses on failure, tragedy, sex and violence. That’s the “politics of dancing” like the song goes. Health miracles exist in your everyday choices, because your health miracle just keeps on going while you eat perfect, clean food.

Even restaurants like Panera and Chipotle are changing their menu to suit the health-minded crowd. McDonald’s is sinking fast, closing hundreds of stores. This is not just a sign of things to come, this is happening right now!

GMO and toxic food that contains bleach, pesticide and fluoride is all getting the boot!

Remember, “health care” means eating the right food, drinking the right drink and taking in superfoods, herbal remedies and natural cures. This is evolution at its best, right here.

Here’s some of the Health Ranger’s philosophy right from TruthWiki:

All humans and animals are conscious beings with a spirit and some degree of free will.”

“Consciousness is the underlying unifying force of the universe, and all living systems are connected.”